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Останні рецензії користувача Twelve Cent Sailor

Показані результати 1–6 із 6
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239.2 год. загалом (58.7 год на момент рецензування)
Its so original with the card system it lacks mods for weapons which to me was dissapointing buy its still very nice. I wish there were mods to change the hud style and layout but im just picking its a great game at core, its quick paced and requires alot of changing of weapons and quick thinking in tight situations! i love it!
Додано 9 вересня 2017 р..
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61.9 год. загалом (37.7 год на момент рецензування)
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its good only problem is it relys to much on you needing to purchase permum constantly to get anything good ingame
Додано 28 вересня 2016 р..
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10.9 год. загалом (9.9 год на момент рецензування)
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This game mode needs alot of skills involving a fair amount of first or third person shooter games that hone your skills being somone that doesnt play alot of first person or third person shooters means you are at a little bit of a disadvantage. having the matches based on the amount of skill points would make the matches a little bit fairer because the people who play it 27/7 and know where to go and what to do have all the skills they need to wreck other players and especilly people who arnt that good at pvp. if you had the matches based off the amount of skill points it would provide a fairer skill base for people who are starters and for people who are more advanced at the game instead of having the amazing or really skilled people win all the time because they destroy the rest of the feild due to their lesser skills. Just my opinion but other than that great game and great game mode/addon.
Додано 18 серпня 2016 р..
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18.6 год. загалом (11.7 год на момент рецензування)
i Stinking love this game one of the best need for speed i have played has had the most interactive feature of all of them love it still after playing it over 6 or 7 times now
Додано 24 грудня 2015 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
294.6 год. загалом (104.1 год на момент рецензування)
Its a really super fun game i love it i recommend this to all people very cool love it when new stuff comes out really good fun playing the game a lot like a lot has changed since i played it in the last year aventully i found it boring because no new stuff but its good to know that its still being updated and a lot of stuff comes out in each update i really hope that they do more on space like let you creat your on ship and when ever you like there could be a button that says go to earth or the moon or someting and you could go there and you would see the ship in the back ground and yeah but i still love it good fun hope the people reading this love it and yeah really good game love the new update with the portal gun and the dart pistol and the dart rifle love all the new costumes with reds armour exept its a costume and its also really cool that you can use the wing with the costume so yeah i would rate this 300/10 if i could but i can't so i rate it 10/10 reallygood like i said i recommend it to everyone you should try its really fun and spectacular very well made love the electronic stuff you can do to its a really good game love it like i said before but i hope you enjoy this spectacular game like i said i would rate it 300/10 if i could but i can't so i have to rate it 10/10 and 290 more points but i hope you do really seem interested really good i love it a lot can not resist it it is now that good i love it so much now and i want to keep playing it and yeah i hope you enjoy yourself its really good its in early access i think and that means more UPDATES!!! so its now really really good so yeah hope you do love it i hope when you get it you find it really spectacular and really really awesome i totally recommend this game to anyone in the hole world its really good like i said before i definetally love it really cool fun very awesome love playing it and yeah so really good hope you love the game i especially love the way its layed out so yeah really awesome 10/10 hope you find it spectacullar to so yeah i really love it
and super cool no doubt i would say that it does not suck its really good so yeah i would doubt that i would say it really suck because it does not so yeah really good spectacular fun and i can not wait for its next update so yeah it is going to be sweet i think so yeah really love it and that is about all im going to say and also if you want to see all the stuff in the game you should download the world from curse buildersworkshop because it gives you every single thing in the entier game so you should download it it will also help the guy who built it so yeah really hope you like it thats all im gonna say sorry i i have spoiled it for you and yeah so you should try it and yeah so thanks for reading my review of terraria :-) hope you ENJOYED!!!!!!
Додано 14 вересня 2015 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 3
1,005.0 год. загалом (15.9 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
yes love it done so much research been waiting for ages but somthing they could add in was a tranqe gun for larger animals like the bow works better on small animals but the tranqualizer gun works better on large dinos
Додано 8 серпня 2015 р..
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