Pobre ratillas aunque lo entiendo tendreis entre 17/20 años la edad de ser gilipollas xD
Somg aug. 10., 9:03 
Eres un puto perdedor enviando a tus amigos a dejarme mierda en el perfil solo por decirte una realidad xD
mightchat febr. 16., 12:17 
Somg febr. 13., 15:13 
im being assimilated
Enaxity febr. 13., 10:30 
Enaxity febr. 13., 10:29 
not the chinese goverment again........
Radio Operator febr. 11., 6:59 
Somg febr. 11., 6:59 
I see you radio
dingus jan. 21., 22:17 
this dude just j
mightchat 2023. júl. 13., 6:08 
Enaxity 2023. júl. 8., 6:20 
for realsies!
PsychoDriveBy 2023. márc. 10., 7:55 
GG at Salter's Pork! I managed to fight three of the four teams there as a solo, got four kills and won. It was a really fun fight. Check out my Hunt guides!
Enaxity 2023. febr. 9., 11:22 
smug :) top 5 human
miaubuelitx 2023. jan. 29., 6:10 
Aurey 2022. dec. 7., 0:29 
Cool dude
Escla 2021. ápr. 25., 11:54 
+rep fair killer
76561199009308570 2021. febr. 15., 13:17 
───▄▄██▌█ +rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep
▄▄▄▌█▌█ +rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep
A Huge Coincidence 2018. jan. 10., 13:17 
Stabi 2018. jan. 4., 5:10 
Hi, I want to buy your Name tag
Somg 2017. nov. 16., 12:46 
my first copypasta... cool
Wundermedia 2017. nov. 14., 9:58 
───▄▄██▌█ +rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep
▄▄▄▌█▌█ +rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep+rep