XallZall 3 mart. 2023 la 11:18 
I had this problem as well, you can get a Exe file online, which gets rid of the launcher.
Alexander336BC 3 mart. 2023 la 10:44 
i cant get silent hunter 5 from steam. the websight for the game does not allow me to connect at all. i had to refund
XallZall 30 apr. 2022 la 15:58 
XallZall 2 ian. 2021 la 9:50 
Hey Wolf :praisesun:
Wolfdelta 27 dec. 2020 la 14:03 
Hi friend :gtfohammer:
operator X 22 dec. 2020 la 4:29 
ok no worries. the sub is real good thou but the electrical devices seams to broken all the time but as i said very good sub thx 4 it.. keep up the good work.
XallZall 22 dec. 2020 la 2:45 
Thanks for bringing these stuff to my attention though, I updated the Description to inform others.
XallZall 22 dec. 2020 la 2:38 
You might want to read the download page, I have more information listed there,
it is a complex Submarine, and unfortunately while I was making it I was learning, so some stuff are not as good as they could have been.
To answer your questions:

The Weapons Locker has a security bug, I need to fix this, if I can figure out how to reupload I will, your not missing much though, it has 1 revolver, 1 shotgun and 1 smg with 1 Storage container for each carrying ammo.

The second one is with the !help
As I mentioned I was learning while building this sub, sorry :S
You actually need to look at the Text Display.
So write !help and then exit the terminal and it will show you the commands on Computer Text Display right in front of you, not the most elegant solution I know.
operator X 22 dec. 2020 la 2:34 
its working TY one last thing how do i get in to the locked weapon cabin?
operator X 22 dec. 2020 la 2:27 
ok ty again i tried to write !help but nothing
operator X 22 dec. 2020 la 2:20 
ok man TY so much for the fast reply again!! :) i just died in your sub ;) t y again now i can enjoy the sub 1 last question how do i open the weapon locker how do i write then? marry x-mas and a happy new year
XallZall 22 dec. 2020 la 2:19 
And if Weapons doest not work try just Weapon without the s at the end, its been a while since I worked on it so youll have to forgive me as this is coming more or less just from the top of my head.

So the self destruct, I think I made an error, so you need to write it as:

With both the Self and the Destruct first letters being capitalised.
XallZall 22 dec. 2020 la 2:16 
Oh I see :D
Those doors are remote controlled only.
You need to go to the Control Room, very top of the Submarine, there you will find a Computer Terminal.
Enter it and type in !d followed by the door you want to open. You must write Open or Close at the end as well to of course open or close it.

Here is a list of doors:


To open say the Armoury, you would type:

To Close it:

The door between the Armoury is called Fore.
So you probably understand how it works now but I will write a few more examples just to be sure, to open that door you would write:

!dForeClose to close it.

A quick way to open/close all doors:


These doors are made this way for security, only those in the command room would be able to open or close them to prevent a maniac going into the weapons storage room and then blasting everyone haha.

Glad you been enjoying it otherwise :praisesun:
operator X 22 dec. 2020 la 2:03 
hi man ty for the fast reply. i love the boat looking forward to the next one. i am sorry but i cant still open the door to the armory it only says this door is open elswhere or remotly.......i added a swordfish shuttle to your boat and it is the best boat now exept i still cant open the doors that opens remotley...TY keep up the good work :)
XallZall 21 dec. 2020 la 17:09 
hey, the locked doors/hatches have a button right next to them, usually followed by a red light indicator.
Only the Captain has clearance to open these doors.
Of the top of my head there is 1 locked door the to Captains Room, which is right at the door itself, the 3 hatches, one at the very top which is the docking port, one which is between the gunnery and central passage and one at the very bottom, which is the emergency exist hatch.
All these hatches have the usual open/close button, and the lock button should be located next to it or near it.
Hope this helps and I hope you been enjoying the submarine otherwise.
Working one a new one as of now actually :)
operator X 21 dec. 2020 la 13:29 
hi man only one thing how do i open the locked doors on your sub (barotrauma) cant find any buttons or nothing
Wolfdelta 13 nov. 2015 la 13:01