Timp de joc în ultimele 2 săptămâni:

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5 din 45 (11%) realizări obținute:
Realizări personale

Hyperstellar Law Official

Say 7 deranged superstar lines
Obținută la 26 mai 2022 la 22:50

The World's Most Laughable Centrist

Defend the political centre 7 times
Obținută la 30 mai 2022 la 5:21

Goodest Of The Good Cops

Really get Kim to trust you
Obținută la 22 mai 2022 la 10:30

Baddest Brow in Town

Force Kim to reveal his secrets
Obținută la 23 mai 2022 la 2:36

Gurdi-Ball Is Lit

Get your pinball on
Obținută la 30 mai 2022 la 4:26

Unbelievably Boring F**k

Say 7 incredibly boring things

The Opener Of The Eighth Seal

Warn them of the coming end 8 times

Literally The Sorriest Cop On Earth

Apologize 10 (!!!) times

Biggest Communism Builder

Employ critical theory 9 times

Truly Rabid "Traditionalist"

Say 10 "traditionalist" things

Baddest Hustler In The Neoliberal Hood

Preach free market for 9 times

Expert Advanced Remote Viewer

See beyond the veil 6 times

Massive Torque Dork

Yack about machines 4 times

Il Coppo Del'Arte!

Say 5 Art Cop lines

The Most Honourable Cop in The Land

Gather 11 honour points

Enemy Of The Physical Realm

Bang up 5 inanimate objects

The Lawbringer

Say you're the law 7 times

Baddest Of the Bad Cops

Hit an all time low with Kim

Recruit Detective Kim Kitsuragi

Precinct 57's finest

The Figurines Won't Win Her Back

They do nothing

Fairweather t-500 Vitreous Enamel

Suit up. Head to toe.

Venture into the HARDCORE


True Detective

Finish the game in HARDCORE mode

Avowed Inframaterialist

Don't call it a book club.

The Icebreaker

You can still move your face with your fingers.

Networthy Individual

Every day you're husslin'...

Committee of la Responsabilité

Someone should do something about this.

What body?

Solve the case without even inspecting the body.

Medal dispenser

Here, just have one, they're free.

Hardie's Heroes

Pour one out for social democracy

Cause a Shitstorm

You brought this on yourself

Leopard Mindset

*This* is the kind of animal you want to be

Wheel of Pleasure and Light

Reconstruct a vision from the past

Modus: Mullen

It's black-and-white out there

Bother Kim After Hours

He probably won't mind

Get Kim to Wear *The Jacket*

You know which one

Spectres of Hope

Glimpse it while you can

Old Flame

Surely, it can be killed with fire

Looks Like Progress

Spinning its wheels

Priceless Facade

Money-smooth streets of gentrification

Now For A Difficult Provenance

Restore all of the hidden photos

4 realizări ascunse rămase

Detaliile realizărilor vor fi dezvăluite odată cu deblocarea acestora.