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Raunchy Kiara 23 Sep, 2020 @ 10:22pm 
Doctor: 👳 Mayor ⛳ West, 📘 I'm 📕 afraid 👔 you 🚙 have 📒 lymphoma. 💄 Adam 🌋 West: 🎽 Oh. 🐛 Doctor: 👑 Probably 🌸 from 🍆 rolling 🐝 around 💚 in 😺 that 💃 toxic 📗 waste. 💙 Adam 🌏 West: 💛 I 🎈 see. 🎍 Doctor: ⚡ What 🍇 in 💗 God's 🎄 name 🎁 were 🕺 you 🌂 trying 🌳 to ⛳ prove? 📒 Adam 📘 West: 🚗 I 🏀 was 💚 trying 🚕 to 🎽 gain 🚙 super 🌸 powers. 🌽 Doctor: 🐟 Well, 🥞 that's 💎 just 💗 silly! 🐊 Adam 👳 West: 💙 Silly, 📕 yes. 🔋 Idiotic, 💄 yes.
Сhris 12 Jul, 2018 @ 8:05am 
Hi, I left csgo trading and csgo in general (the reason is the last update), so I give all the skins of my inventory to those who want to continue playing CSGO. I Give my Karambit Tiger Tooth for 10-15 inexpensive skins(absolutely any ), send me an offer. My link in my description profile (bio)