Daryl"대릴" IG: llegendaryl   Seoul, Seoul-t'ukpyolsi, Korea, Republic of
:csgoct::csgoct::csgoct::csgostar: http://www.twitch.tv/atz404/profile :csgostar::csgoct::csgoct::csgoct:

Hey there! My name’s Daryl :d2invoker:. Since you are here, I assume that you’re either curious or bored, and stumbled upon my profile. Either way, I’m always up for meeting new people and making new friends, and if you want to add me I’ll accept pretty much any friend request, so feel free to give it a shot! HOWEVER , if you have a private profile, or if your steam level is below 5, you’ll have to write a comment with the reason for adding me, or I might ignore or even block you,due to the ammount of scammers and bots that have added me.

Here are some basic things about myself:
I’m just an 19 years old boy,currently living in Phillipines. I enjoy spending time with my friends, and as I said above, I’m always up for meeting new people. I like seeing different mentalities,characters,personalities HOWEVER , if you plan on adding me just to “collect” me, I’d suggest not to. I want to actually make new friends, not to just grow my friend list,which is only big for reasons that you might find out if you'll add me.

I guess you can call me kind of awkward. I can be both the laziest and the most hard-working person that you have ever known. I can be extremely social, but sometimes I can get very lonely, silent and depressed because of stuff, and I suffer of both anxiety and depression, as well as other things I worry and care a lot about things,about people, and specially about friends,I guess you could say that sometimes I care too much.Sometimes I might be a tad annoying while asking if you’re alright, so I’m sorry for that. I also tend to overthink too much, which is one of my problems,I guess.

I’m a pretty direct person. If I’ll be annoyed by something I’m usually gonna say it right away. Although there are certain situations where I’ll just start with some hints, or just wait a bit, to see how things are going.Usually, I’ll speak my mind pretty quickly and clearly I like direct people aswell, so if you ever have anything against me, if I ever annoy or bother you with something, tell me right away, without hesitating! I honestly don’t mind. I’d much rather have you telling me that you hate me, than lying about how much you like me and then treating me like trash, either directly or behind my back.

If I seem silent sometimes, don’t think that I’m ignoring you because I am not. If I’m silent it means that I’m sad, in a bad mood, a tad busy or I simply don’t really know what to say next. But I usually try to keep the conversations alive, IF you seem interested in having one. If you’ll just cut me off by acting cold, or something like that, then don’t expect me to try for too long, unless you’re really important to me,in which case I’ll keep trying to help and I will struggle to see what’s wrong. I might be annoying sometimes, but that’s only because I simply care a lot, probably too much,but that's just who I am. I’m always doing my best to help as much as I can.

I don’t really care about your color, age, gender, religion, nationality,orientation and such. Those things aren’t what’s defining you as a person, and categorizing people like that is wrong. Your personality, character, actions, thoughts, that’s what’s defining you. I care about the kind of person that you are. We are all different, but that also means all of us are unique. Never be ashamed of showing who you truly are.

As for music, I mostly listen to a new songs, but I’m open to pretty much any genre, so feel free to share your favs anytime. I also like watching animes. I haven’t watched a lot of them, but I’m slowly getting into animes again. :csgoct:

Destaque de artes
bang bang bang! :D
Jadzxc 12/fev./2017 às 18:42 
Davichi 3/abr./2016 às 4:48 
message me! :)
★ Khaaakie ★ 17/mar./2016 às 6:15 
- 13/mar./2016 às 3:45 
+rep Roger that.
dArker 1/mar./2016 às 8:40 
+rep nice trader
M1nh0 17/jul./2015 às 13:49 
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