Ľaur.   Chile
But perhaps there is a simple answer?..
Not an easy.... ...but simple.

Skausmas ir meilė, deja, nematomi...

So tell me, where shall I go? To the left, where there's nothing right, or to the right, where there's nothing left?

Everything I do is always wrong in your eyes...

"Organized mess"
“A whole lotta pretty in a whole lotta crazy.”
"Tu nesakyk man ką daryti, aš nesakysiu kur eiti Tau."
"I am not someone who is loved. I'm an idea. State of mind..."
"Lietuva turi siaubingą praeitį ir nuostabią ateitį. Ir taip bus visada." V. Šapranauskas.
"Jeigu tavęs tiek kiek matau - tavęs taip nedaug..."
"Biškį yra ne skaičius" SimBy.
"Hunting for love, killing for pleasure."
"Patikėk, tau nereikia to ant tavo kūno."
"Do you know how to tell if someone is a lover or a fighter? By looking at their shoes."
He used to be "is" - now he is "was".
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger... But not always.

rembo 8 Jan @ 2:24pm 
Labas kada mm?
ICY 29 Jun, 2023 @ 5:04am 
+rep simpina man
FA$H1Ø 18 Jun, 2023 @ 3:28am 
geko 22 Feb, 2023 @ 12:01pm 
Sync. 16 Sep, 2022 @ 11:43am 
+rep pikciurna 🥳
markenzo 28 Aug, 2022 @ 12:38pm 
signed by -markenzo