„Nie zadawaj pytań na które nie znasz odpowiedzi”   Knurow, Katowice, Poland
A:Police Headquarters in Żary
B: Hello, Police
A: Yes, the Police in Żary
B: Sir, Hymel Jadwiga on the phone, Lipinki Łużyckie, Łączna 43. Łączna here when you enter, right
next to the post office HERE. I REPORT. Explosion, somebody set fire to our hay stack.
A: What did he set on fire?
B: I don't know who
A: But what did he set on fire?
B: I don't know who, someone set it on fire
A: Not who, but what!
B: Excuse me?
A: What was set on fire?
B: This is Hymel Jadwiga
A: Yes, but what happened?
B: The hay stack is on fire and the hay stack is almost burned out.
A: That hay right?
B: Lipinki Łużyckie, Łączna 43, around the post office.
A: And the fire brigade is going?
B: Excuse me?
A: Fire Department!
B: Well, someone did it, I don't know who.
A: And the fire department ?!
B: Excuse me?
A: Is the fire brigade notified, are they coming?
B: I don't know who set the fire ..... but someone did.
A: Hay yes?
B: The fire brigade is here........ the fire brigade is here. The fire brigade arrived.
A: Good.
B: But ....
A: When it is good, when there is a fire brigade, it is good
B: They're not extinguishing.
A: Extinguish ?!
B: The hay stack is burned out. I don't know. Lipinki Łużyckie, 43 Łączna.
A: Okay, is there a fire brigade right there?
B: Excuse me?
A: Is there a fire brigade on site ?!
B: I am there.
A: And the guards ?!
B: Well, my son is not at home.
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wronakox 2023年1月9日 7時26分 
super menzczyzna koham go uwu <3
Rvo 2023年1月2日 10時44分 
fajny chłopak wrócił elegancki dziewczyna też git :missing:
Loner 2021年11月14日 13時06分 
Komentowanie profilu Pana Cyborodo póki nie wróci do nas na dc dzień nr40
Loner 2021年11月13日 4時06分 
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