KiltedKey 2022年10月21日 15時16分 
KiltedKey 2022年10月21日 15時15分 
Howdy! As for my ship...

Flood protection is maximal bulkheads and torpedo protection 1 is all that is needed with this uber ship. There's no point in needing torpedos when you out range and out gun everything. i've done way too much testing with this thing. It's basically the meta. Don't need acoutitics if I can soak any torpedoes that come my way.

The Fore/Aft armor is just enough to stop really light HE rounds, and that's all it's meant for. The sheer gun damage soak will take care of the rest.

The all forward gun layout also plummets the amount of weight you need to use, since your ammo racks aren't on two places at once. Those massive 20 inch guns are more than enough!