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Скорошни рецензии на ModusPocus

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Writing this to say that there are a lot of little things in this game that add up to what could be a really frustrating experience. To quickly address the two biggest complaints I've seen:

1.) The day one DLC is annoying but honestly you could ignore it and play the game without ever touching it and be better off. There is NOTHING extra the DLC can provide you that just playing the game wont already give you.

2.) The game as far as I can tell is not as buggy as people say. It more than likely will crash at some point. I've had two crashes in my play-through so far. And the frame-rate issues are also not as bad. I've had occasional dips but the game isn't "unplayable". Check other reviews and make sure your hardware is up for it.

I'm someone who loved the first Dragons Dogma, flaws and all. The second game DOES not do much to improve the flaws. It still takes a while to get your port-crystals set up for a proper fast travel network. The game can be obtuse for newcomers. You may feel directionless at times. All things that I think add to the challenge of the game.


MY BIGGEST COMPLAINT is the save system. You have two options: revert back to the last auto-save OR to the TAVERN save (Note: the Tavern part is important). I had incorrectly assumed that sleeping in a camp was the equivalent to a tavern. You as a new player will be tempted to just camp because its free rather than pay the average of 2k gold to effectively do the same thing at a tavern without getting buffs from cooking.

I bring all this up because I at one point was thrown in a jail due to a bug in a quest where the guards aggro'd on me when they weren't supposed to. "Small bug", I thought, "Lets see what it takes to get out of jail". I found a key and failed an escape. You are NOT given another key. Now it was going to cost me 12k in gold. I instead reverted to a "tavern save". This means that you go back to the last Tavern you saved at LOSING ALL PROGRESS YOU HAVE MADE SINCE THAT POINT. THERE ARE NO TIMESTAMPS ON SAVES so I did NOT know how far back I was reverting. I lost about ten hours of game-time. I reverted from level THIRTY to TWENTY because I was sleeping in CAMPS and not TAVERNS. I have NO way of going back to that other auto-save in jail.

I really liked this game and honestly I'm sure that if someone picked this up they would like it too, but I cant justify losing TEN HOURS due to a poor save system.

If you do not like frustrating games: Dark souls, Dead cells, etc... This game is NOT FOR YOU.
If you're hoping that this game has no bugs day one... THIS GAME IS NOT FOR YOU.

Go play the first one. If you liked it then odds are you'll like this one too. By the time you finish the first one enough time should have passed for CAPCOM to have ironed out the wrinkles of this game.
Публикувана 24 март 2024.
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29.9 изиграни часа (10.9 часа по време на рецензията)
I've never written a review before this point. I felt I had to because this game seriously blew my expectations away, and they were already high going in. The creator and everyone involved really made something awesome here. As a personal note to them: thanks for making a memorable experience.
Публикувана 20 октомври 2021.
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