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216 orang menganggap ulasan ini membantu
10 orang menganggap ulasan ini lucu
Tercatat 106.7 jam (Telah dimainkan 94.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Review based on my mindset after playing 100h, without rushing the Main-story (basic game finished at 50h, DLC 1 with all its Dungeons at 65h, DLC 2 at 100h) , seeing some Side-story , testing the affection-system and fighting Raid/-bosses a few times.

+ / positive / things i like
*Character Creation - Create your own Avatar
Solid design variety
Eyes in different colours (optional)b
Hairstyles from Asuna , Leafa , Silica , Sinon , Yuuki - but you can't change color for these ones
(You can see that the characters are mostly defined by their hairstyle/color +- Boobies)
*Character Edit anytime in your room with all settings like in the beginning, even gender / name

*Short nice Story Recap for Aincrad and Alfheim (optional)
*VN-Style Cutscenes , fully voiced, skipable , hideable text (hold RB)
*Main Story so far interesting but not mind-blowing, you should like the SAO-World / VR Theme
*Loads of Sidestorys / Events
*Few Dialogues even made me smile

*Most parts of EQ are visible/ Outfits can be worn over it
*A Tailor to change the outfit of NPC , even a few shop-NPC (all friends)
*Monsters / Avatars looking pretty neat
*Solid Monster / Avatar variety
*Map-design looks good
*Texture / Animations look great (for a Port)
*Beautiful Sky / Background
*Visuals for status effects
*Visuals when casting de/buffs/heal - simple but ok
*Nice SAO-disappaering / shattering Effect
*HUD looks like FF XIV
*Fully customizable pallets / sets / skill-item-command Assignments
*Seperated pallet-assignments for every weapon type, so no need for rearranging
*Pretty fluent menu navigation / world is still active and you can move

*BGM is awesome
*Fully adjustable volume for BGM, BGM-Voice-over, Voice, Effects, Effects-Voice-over
*Japanese voice (-only)

Combat is fluent / smooth, fast paced, profounded and just awesome, including:
9 Weapon types
Combo Attack, Sword Skills, buffs / debuffs, heals, potions
Combo Attacks can end in a Sword Skill of your choice
AP based Sword-Skills (no cooldown)
Team Skill-Connect / Combo Attack
Status-Effects like Paralysis, Bleeding ,.

*Raid / Boss / Big Mobs fights are memorable fun:
Choice of Solo - 2 - 3 groups - Full Raid with random MMO-groups or Solo-MP-Raid with 7 NPC
First time (in the story) preperation talk about the Raid-Boss like a strategy
Learnable Attack Patterns
Can last pretty long
First Raid Boss Kobold Fang-Clone
Weakpoints / destroyable parts for Raidbosses and some Field-Bosses and big Mobs
*Satisfying Amount of Mob and Boss Spawns + good distribution over the map

*Online Coop + Item Trade
*PVP - Ranking earns perma buffs

*Party with up to 3 (SP) or 7 NPC in solo MP lobby
*Nice control of what your party is doing
*Roles / EX-Skills for the NPC, only 1 active / switchable
*Random MMO-NPC groups outside on the field fighting monsters / bosses (voluantary tanking them for you) or stealing your mobs
*Their Partys joins you with Names and LP showing up above yours while fighting and they hear on your commands like your party. Up to 3x4 NPC groups

*Skillsystem is great :
Sword Skills - working only for the specific weapon type
De-/buffs / Heals are spread out trough the whole skill trees, you can combine them all
5 Roles / 5 EX-Skills = a group of skills designated to eg. healer, tank, as a seperate skilltree
Hidden Roles / EX-Skills for every Weapon type - unlocked by certain requirements
Only 1 active / switchable
*Weapon Skill-Level / Mastery as requirement for Sword Skills
*Sword Skills getting better by using them

*Huge field maps to explore - don't feel stretched for me
*Dungeons + 1000 floor Dungeon
*Field Quests (eg. Kill x of x)
*Extreme amount of Board-Quests (gathering, killing)
*Flavor / Event Text for Bosses and Field Quest (1-2 sentences)

*Good Mini-map options
*Glossar of the available monsters in an area
*Fast Travel to all city-areas and teleport stones from anywhere
*Connected Map-Areas you can teleport to (once activated local) or going from start to end

*Day-Night-Cycle - Events in the city are coupled to this
*Weather: dry, rainy, stormy
*Overall movement speed in the city and field is sufficent
*Overall nice MMO-feeling

*1 big City - seperated into 4 areas
*Enviroments looks great
*Many Players (NPC) like you would expect in a real MMORPG
*Dialogue with every single NPC (of course many short ones / unneccessary)

*Random MMO-players you can talk to, get befriended with and take them on your journey outside
*Gifting Equip to your NPC-friends
*Friendship / Romance system for maaaaany NPC - you can also be naughty - hold hands, carry your Waifu around the city towards your room for final pillow-talk
(you know SAO is a harem-simulator)
*Emotion / Mood System - they will react differently in battles and dialogues according to their mood
*Dating Spots like sitting at the café for intense-friendship / romance dialogues where you can react in different ways to influence it
*Date-Buffs after a succesful date to bring sheer manpower to the battleground
*Dinner-Date-Buffs for very close friends, can do a special attack together with you then

*Intelligent KI who is learning to fight in a way you like, influenced by:
Choosing the Traits and give them a thumbs up and in battles you can
treating them like a Pet and praise them when they behave in a certain manner (its also indicated) - so that they slowly begin to behave more often like the trait - they will even blush about it
Every trait-value is counted together for a rank, which determines the reaction speed
Change how often or even if a specific skill shall be used (in the EX-Skill menu)
Changing the mood (they tend do fight different)
*You can reset this or wait for new traits if you don't like the actual ones

*Different Blacksmiths you can you choose later on ( would YOU betray Liz'? )
*Loot - Material - Upgrade System
*Monster Drops
*Treasure Chests guarded by Bosses or groups of Mobs
*Random pick-up loot

*1st Person view - its confusing in fights but nice for seightseeing / exploring
*Nice ingame control of the camera (also zoom)
*Battle-log / chat hideable

*Login where you Logout, no need to go to the city to save

*Location of the NPC you want to see is visible
*Tutorial can be seen again anytime - quite extensively
*Nice overview of avaible events

*All DLC included + Season pass (more dlcs?)

*Feel like Ainz Ooal Gown when casting up to ~60+ buffs and ending up with 100+ buffs with passives

o / neutral / acceptable for me
*Controller don't work without a (simple) fix

*Can't respec / reset skill points - you're able to skill everything though, if you grind enough

*No Dialogue-Backlog in VN-Scenes
*No Auto-Text option
*Forced amount of VN-Scenes in the beginning when you just want to fight

*No wound animation like in the show
*UI / Screen can be a bit overloaded when char speech bubbles appearing in the top corners while fighting + skill effects + loot msg

*Kirito's voice only in VN (can be turned off), any female (Sinon) voice would been nice *Imagination*

*Loading Screens about 5-12 sec even with SSD - its ok but:
4 Seperated City Areas - like in DB:Xenoverse only 1 is loaded and you change by passing a line
also big seperated field-areas - but its nitpicking
*Animation length for opening Treasure Chest could be annoying over time

*No Option or emergency button to make the game pause when opening menu - I like it this way but sometimes its just convenient for the reallife to pause immediatly

- / negative / things I dislike
for me there's no real negative things, although few points from above could disturb you more than me (or less)

= / my 2 cents
Worth the full price due great amount of content and Waifus

can possible freeze when alt-tabbing
Max Settings stable 60 FPS


R280x with Accelero Xtreme IV
Xeon E3-1231 v3 @3.40GHz
16 GB DDR3-1600
Win 7 64-bit
Xbox Wired Controller
Diposting pada 27 Oktober 2017. Terakhir diedit pada 21 April 2019.
Apakah ulasan ini membantu? Ya Tidak Lucu Penghargaan
667 orang menganggap ulasan ini membantu
17 orang menganggap ulasan ini lucu
Tercatat 134.1 jam (Telah dimainkan 133.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Review based on my mindset after playing 130h - completed main story50h without rushing it, doing all sidequests, test all chararcter's movesets, and simply watching my party fighting.

+ / positive / things i like
*Japanese Voice (-only)
*Nice big Roster from Accel World and Sword Art Online
46 (SAO 25)
*Great merging of the two anime storys, with only minor unlogic notes.
*Nice integration of Burst Link in the Cardinal System
*VN-Style Cut-scenes - full voiced log, skippable, hideable ui, on wish auto text progress, looks great
*Player and Monster models looking pretty neat + good animation overall
*Awesome SAO particle effects for wounds and death
*colorful race distinguishing wisps - while waiting for resurrection
*BGM is overall nice
*Fully adjustable volume of BGM , effects , voice
*All DLC included
*New Game+

*Multiplayer - 2 PvP Modes : Arena 1vs1 / 2vs2
*Multiplayer - coop mode :
Free roam
ExtraQuest/Sudden Bosses
Infinity dungeon - with up to 16 players
*you can heal and buff others

Fighting / Gameplay is fun and satisfying, it includes:

Sword Art Online Characters:

Magic : Elemental-Attacks , Heals, Buffs , Debuffs - with nice spell mumbling visual or instant casted

Sword Skills : 1h-Sword, dual-1h-Sword, 2h-Sword, Dagger, Brass Knuckles, Rapier, Mace, Ax, Spear, Bow with selectable elemental and status-effect-arrows
+ as secondary either a shield or staff - exceptions are:
Heathcliff - 1h + his original shield fixed
Eugeo - 1h w special skills
Alice - 2h w sp. skills
Yuna - Voice as weapon
Rain / Kirito - Dual 1h
*Taming passive Skill /= (fixed) Dragon Pet for Silica + Sinon + Argo

Some Char-specific Unique-Skills unlocked by sidequests
Flying and Floating

Accel World Characters:

Original AW Attacks, and Skills made up by the Cardinal System x Burst Link
Activables / Form changes like red king's "INVINCIBLE"
(Self)buffs / Modes
Equip can give your attacks debuff-ability / status-effects
Combat and Ranged chars - All feeling unique
Accel Move and Accel Jump + multi jumps
5 able to fly/float - 1 on Motocycle

*Unique Moveset for every character + different weapon types and skillsets accessible
*Different (Online) Roles, like healer or DD
*Different Movement of SAO and AW chars - pretty fast paced
*Ground and air battles - fluid stance change - offers different play styles - close combat and ranged

*3 Party member - you can quick-switch anytime
*Switch-attack-feature in the midst of battle - for combining diff. char's attacks
*Skill-link for building up damage
*Skill-level upping system from SAO, ranks up by using it
*Order your party to attack, get behind you, go in formation
*Elements and 9 status-effects: sleep, curse, etc + (De)buff effects eg. atk up/down
*Items like heal / buff potions - SAO-style item select-motion by your char
*Equipment gives special effects and boosts certain things like cooldown-reduction instead of raising stats / STR-DEX-WIS

*Upgrading your weapons at Liz' forge - Loot system for materials
*Burst Points and diff. Equip-system for AW and SAO chars
*Alternative Level-up for Characters with Burst Points - seems to be affordable, if you're not interested in raising each of them by yourself

*New Character unlocks seems to be graduating over the whole game - keeps you motivated
*Multiple outfits for most of the SAO chars

*Boss fights are memorably nice
*Satisfying amount of enemies spawning in a group + health / strength of monsters
(on hard difficult + lvl diff. seems to have more impact on higher levels)
*Field / Dungeon mobs variety is solid
*Field Bosses
*AW Stages with mobs (later)
*Monsters also use magic
*Treasure Mimics!

*Dialogues when first pairing 2 chars together and going out to the field
*Side Storys, also with AW x SAO chars
*Kirito and Haruyuki -dialogue between hardcore gamers
*Even a few funny moments / dialogues which made me smile

*Data log / Information about all characters, their groups and more
*Titles contain statistics

*Running as Ash Roller in the city is hilarious
*Gestures / Emotesfew NPC react to or mirror some of your gestures

o / neutral / acceptable for me
*BGM can be annoying over time, especially main menu and the snow world for me.It ain't bad though

*normal light and heavy attacks lacks variety / combos - only row attack with either light or heavy attack with possibilty to throw in heavy attack to end the "combo"/row with normal heavy attacks and vice versa, like there are two attack rows and you can switch once between them when performing one. - though not as bad as this sounds, really. BC Sword Skills are supposed to be combos

*I highly prefer to play with the SAO over the AW ones, mainly bc of their lower skill pools
+ the normal attack statement reasoned above
*AW chars running faster even in the city, what i dislike bc of the point above

*can't order your partymembers to focus on healing and keeping up buffs/debuffs - although they heal you often and sometimes pop out de-/buffs
*no option / difficult where you can turn off that your party member uses their own items, like they use heal-potions and ressurection-drops even when you dont own a single item
*KI can be dumb when following you to higher levels (stuck beneath platforms)

*Design of the merged field stages - too much AW influence for me here
- but still fine
*(Design of AW Duel Avatars - I like the anime but any robo-mecha avatar anywhere isnt my cup of tea)
*Dungeon design looks great, but I would prefer closed dungeon-style rather than this
space-nebula-like ambient outside the corridors
*Many species-mobs in the Dungeons as already seen out on the field

*Flying enemies can be annoying - due forcing of mid-air combat
-mostly for AW chars and their movement - altough you can stay in the air infinitely
-SAO chars can treat them with magic / bow from the ground or while floating
*I would prefer some bosses to be ground only. The Gleam Eyes would've been great

*can't hide UI - no customizable UI - atleast SAO UI is great
*can't zoom in or out - only in the city
*Party Display shows only 4 buffs on your active char and 2 on the other ones
(ALL are active - I tested it)

*No fast-switch between chars in the city
*No-fly zone - not even a double jump
*Only 1 city - npc population rate is good

*No lootable-changeable: clothes / visible accessory / Armor
*No custom-chars

*When sprinting while flying / floating, you can only use the skills assigned to the the same button you use to sprint, so for example as DEFAULT : RB on xbox controller for sprint and RB + X/Y/U/D/L/R for magic / skills
(you got 2 profiles for the RB + " " skills, which you can cyle trough via R3 - or whatever you set.)
IMO this is enough space, bc mostly magic skills are suitable for attacking in fast motion.
*Control Scheme is hard to get used to, even with controller
*Targeting for some Boss' parts is unkind

- / negative / things I dislike
for me there's no real negative things, although few points from above could disturb you more than me

= my 2 cents

One of the very few games i bought on full price in my lifetime and
I dont regret it



Launcher working fine for me
60 fps on max setting unless there is a boss with big fire skills ->turn off ssao ->no more problems
slight frame drop when debuffing ALOT of mobs at once


R280x with Accelero Xtreme IV
Xeon E3-1231 v3 @3.40GHz
16 GB DDR3-1600
Win 7 64-bit
Xbox360 Wired Controller

Fan of both Anime in terms of the VR / games they represent within the shows
it's my first review, bc i already love this game and want to support it, in hope for a large MP player base
*review will be edited during further gameplay - ON HOLD - planned to 100% soon*
Diposting pada 16 September 2017. Terakhir diedit pada 21 November 2018.
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