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53.7 horas registradas (23.2 horas no momento da análise)
This one is actually a ton of fun to grind. I'm constantly on the lookout for hentai games like these; solid all around. Captivating gameplay and a decent amount of dirty sex with cute, erotic and very alluring girls. However, when I get into the grind zone, I lowkey don't even care about most of the sex scenes, because the only part these almost-perfect games very often seem to mess up is the diversity of the sexual content. Namely, as an example, I'm hopeless against petite, delicate and frail girls. Flat to small chests are my drug and well, ninety-some percent of boobs in these games are big or unnaturally, as well as astronomically gigantic. I simply am not into it and utterly fail to understand the appeal, but I do not judge, instead I complain. Why? Because it is upmost respectable to like boobs, no matter the size a person is particularly into, but then why do most of these games only touch the humongous end of the spectrum of boob-enthusiasts and almost completely ignore the flat to small, opposite end of said spectrum? The fans here are just as ginormous in numbers as the ones on the end of the bigger boobs loving spectrum.

TLDR; There's a severe lack of appreciation for petite, delicate and frail girls in these hentai games and its a big turn-off while playing them. At least most of these games do show respect for some lovely feet and most of them have at least one footjob scene or something sexy related to feet in them, as was the case with this one as well.
Publicada em 2 de julho de 2023. Última edição em 19 de dezembro de 2023.
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11.2 horas registradas (3.1 horas no momento da análise)
Now this is the version of Bartender: The Right Mix that I was looking for!
Publicada em 29 de junho de 2023.
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6.0 horas registradas (5.6 horas no momento da análise)
Interesting backstory and more depth added to the world of Arcana. Chapter 5 was a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ book though and what a cliffhanger. As always, incredibly arousing CG and girls perfectly cute from head to toe. The yuri scene was everything.
Publicada em 26 de junho de 2023.
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8.1 horas registradas
Same as before, even more sexy ass CG. But the girls... AAAAAAA THE GIRLS ARE SO CUTE AND HOT!!! This game has some incredibly adorable and erotic girls, I'm tellin' ya, can't stress it enough. I'm also lowkey invested into the story, aside from the girls ngl. Now the annoying parts: you actually, literally can't walk a 100 meters without someone shutting tf up, it was funny only the first few times. Also the battles would be alright if they didn't feel so ridiculously unnecessary.
Publicada em 18 de junho de 2023.
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8.6 horas registradas (8.5 horas no momento da análise)
Its simple, just what you'd expect at this price point. As always, interactive hentai is better for getting into the mood. Very hot CG and character designs. All that a story needs to be for something like this is interesting enough and it is. Simple game, simple review.
Publicada em 13 de junho de 2023. Última edição em 16 de junho de 2023.
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17.2 horas registradas
Lust from Beyond is lengthier and far more polished than its predecessor, Lust for Darkness. I never reviewed Lust for Darkness due to my opinion on it being mixed and neutral. However for this one, its a clear stamp of approval. Though I must add, playing Beyond without first playing Darkness is completely a no-go!

Depending on the ending, it perfectly finishes up the story of the Lust games and the story itself in this one is better built. More than before, I was completely invested into what happened next, solving the puzzles and finding the next sexy thing, moment or scene to look at or partake in. Between each chapter, the game had an open world feel to it and I loved it, I finished the game in a single day. There were plenty of really sexy erotic moments in the game, so your libido won't be left unsatisfied. However, when it comes to said lustful content, even more than in Darkness, there was straight up gross, gory nudity and just flat out disturbing sex options and scenes. While that is contrary to my ideal comfort playing an erotic game, this is at the end of the day also horror and I very much liked the creativeness of the world of Lusst'ghaa, as well as found myself agreeing to the ideals of it a majority of time, even till the very end. Its just that some of the aforementioned gross, gory and disturbing sexual content really crosses the line and if you ain't avoiding and skipping those scenes and options like I did, then yeah, to the question you ask yourself from time to time, "am I completely ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up?", the answer is yes and I would be concerned.

I was surprised to find out the lack of sex-related achievements and confused when I realised you don't get an achievement for collecting all the Guardian Figurines. It was a small disappointment.

Last but not least, I do prefer Sex Cult stories without all the horror and gore if I only want to explore lust and sexuality, however if I want some horror, like in this case, or as another example, wanna play an RPG etc., erotic elements will always add huge bonus points to the experience and since I really love anything related to eroticism, I wish there were more good games out there with a bunch of it in them.
Publicada em 12 de junho de 2023.
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315.6 horas registradas (114.1 horas no momento da análise)
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This game is really balanced when it comes to whats great about it and what bugs you the entire way while playing it, so I'll be going in depth about the two sides. In summary, I highly recommend.

The great:

Getting the obvious out of the way, I love the gothic and vampiric style and the combination of all kinds of different technologies into one era. Style points also for the decent amount of customization available to make your vampire look nice (or like an absolute abomination, there's always people that like it this way XD)

This game has base building, which is the biggest thing making it shine through the things it lacks. Its really fun due to the vast options you have available, you can make some very sick builds, tons of options for interior and amazing architecture for exterior. Also tons of crafting options and an epic workshop to be built along the way!

The boss system is really neat and there are tons of bosses to go through. Progressing fight by fight was very fun; trying my hand on which boss I was able to defeat and which one's I had trouble with, strategizing over what the next most important gear unlock that I was able to get was, to defeat the bosses I had trouble with and the next bosses over.

Skill system was fun too, many different combinations possible by the end of the game and throughout the game I would say you are guaranteed to find something that suits you, as I found the perfect style for me, slow and steady, yet a bunch of damage.

The unsatisfactory:

The game has no story and has a very controlled and progression-strict loot system, very little room for randomness and not many different tiers to equipment. There are also no dungeons to go into, which was a bit of a shame, especially since then you would have a lot more to do while the sun is out. By default, the game has many settings and options that bring the experience down, it is highly advised to change these settings upon creating a private server or to search for a public server with good settings as that will make the gameplay experience many times better.

The movement is terrible. By default, as a character, you are just far too slow. With different transformation options you'll gain quite a bit of speed, but even then you are too slow, should be faster. Using a mount is the only way you'll have actual speed, but even then due to the nature of the map, you often get stuck if you don't perfectly enter stairways, or stuck in places where you can't phase through using spacebar, so you'll be turning around a lot and finding different paths a lot, which adds to the time spent simply from travelling.

The teleportation system is just pure annoyance. For roughly 90% of the loot, you can not teleport while carrying it. That means every time you have a significant amount of loot, you will have to either ride the entire way home from your current location or alternatively find a cave that is near you, that might bring you closer to your base. Additionally, I though it to be very obvious that if you link same color castle portals between 2 different bases you have, you'd be able to teleport between your bases, allowing you to transfer items from one base to another, but nope, you can't, which completely baffled me. I just don't know how that was not an option, because again, you can't use Vampire Waycates while carrying loot, meaning you can't transfer loot between 2 bases using Caste Waycates.

Now I see a lot of people complaining about the Militia Longbows and uh idk... I never had an issue with their fire arrows. I died only a few times to them. However the sun, don't get me started on the sun. The damage multiplier of the sun is far too high, lemme tell you... no boss in the entire game does as much damage as the sun in the case you don't find shade for a while. So you might wanna change that if its possible, I didn't check cause when you play for the first time, you create a private server and don't understand the settings all that well, and later on you can't change them, which is also a big hit to the experience, because if you wanna build more bases, more floors and tiles than the default amounts, you can't, meaning you'd have to start all over again with your progress and your builds, every time you wanted to change a setting. Also do NOT forget to change the castle decay multiplier as it'll just become a huge pain. You don't want your magnificent structures and hours of hard work to literally decay out of hunger for blood.

When it comes to boss fights, as I mentioned above, vast majority are very fun. However there are a few that are simply a pain in the ass, not for the sole fact of being difficult, because difficult is fun, really fun, but for being difficult only because of minion summoning or self-duplication abilities. I am very sorry, but I do not want to be taking on multiple common mobs additionally to said boss or two of the same boss simultaneously. Worst of course is when common mobs decide they want in on the fun while I'm taking on a free-roam boss with no minion summoning abilities and think I care about them. The grief is more Immaculate than Solarus himself.

More of a discussion, rather than critique:

This might be because the game has updates still yet to come, with a whole greyed out area that's been there since day one, it seems, but the conclusion of the game even after the Gloomrot update seems a bit lacklustre. In the Blood of Luminance quest to unlock the Blood Key recipe, it says "The key to a forgotten realm... The key to unimaginable power... When the time is right...", but when you obtain the recipe you realise its not actually a key, its just the highest level necklace and there is no cool realm, a cool part of the map (the greyed out area for example) that you can unlock with it, a realm of Vampires that you can redeem and bring to its former glory. However the terms "when the time is right..." and "for now..." is used more than once in the game, so we might still see something epic for an conclusion with a future update. That is certainly what I hope. There is also an area of ruins roughly in the middle of the map that confused me, as I later found out that you can't, as of right now, actually get there the way you could get to the Dreaded Peak. That brings up another question; will that be an accessible area in the future, I for one, do not know, however I will be researching this at a later date.
Publicada em 6 de junho de 2023. Última edição em 6 de junho de 2023.
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14.2 horas registradas (6.6 horas no momento da análise)
Very high quality art, highest I've probably ever seen in a visual novel style hentai game. Huge lack of animations, but its not like sexy dialogue, voice acting (especially the blissful moaning) and high quality imagery doesn't get you into it anymore. A lot of scenes and a very decently sized harem. Its pretty quick to the point too so it won't get annoying reaching the next sex scene. Overall its an incredibly sexy game and will satisfy your lonely sexual desires or at least it did for me.
Publicada em 22 de maio de 2023. Última edição em 22 de maio de 2023.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
4.9 horas registradas (4.9 horas no momento da análise)
Its mid, but good if you want some immersive hentai. Its very quick too, straight to the point and no beating around the push. Artstyle and quality is pretty meh, but I can't complain about the faps.
Publicada em 18 de maio de 2023. Última edição em 18 de maio de 2023.
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47.6 horas registradas (9.3 horas no momento da análise)
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Usually I wait for a discount before buying titles, but this one seemed so intriguing that I couldn't wait, bought it right away. I was not wrong, so far its really good, really well put together. Its interactive, not too much dialogue and extremely sexy, filled with tons of sex options and fetishes; everything a hentai title can do right. Its the first time I've played something this good in Early Access meaning I will certainly be having trouble keeping myself busy while waiting for new content, very excited for whats to come for this one. One of, if not the most recommended H title for me so far.
Publicada em 1 de maio de 2023.
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