в акаунта

Скорошни рецензии на nadidas

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8 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
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Well this is... something.

I really liked the base game. I've played it for hours. But this dlc is cheap.
If you put more effort into this you could turn this thing around.

Here are the problems I see:
- What kind of aquatic market has only 4 "small" aquariums? They have much more to put the fish in they are selling. The big tanks should only be show-offs. This isn't seaworld - keep it simple.
- I love designing the tanks. But all I can do during the opening hours is stocking shelves. You have to stock them constantly, otherwise they will be empty very quickly and the customers are dissatisfied because of that. We need the option to hire someone for stocking the shelves. It's boring work.
The next thing here: once the shelve is empty you have no idea what you had in there. There should be a sign or something. You can't remember everything.
- There should be a storage room for the boxes. When you are constanty busy with stocking, you will have half full boxes at the end of the day. They are all piling up in the corners but what else should I do with them?
- Have you ever seen waterplants being sold in a shelve? They are WATER-plants ... they need water. Same goes for corals. Corals are animals, they need water too. Come on guys ... you should know that.

There are some positive things too:
- You can hire a cashier and a fish catcher, thats very good.
- The shop looks nice, but could be bigger with an extra room to prepare the small tanks.

I'm sorry that I can't find more positive things. The idea to make a real shop - other than the weird basement shop from the base game - is pretty good.
But you should definitely put more work into it.
Публикувана 28 ноември 2024. Последно редактирана 1 декември 2024.
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