Microsoft Office
Favorite quotes:
One hand drives the mouse, the other drives the stick.

"You think you can teach me music!? Here, take this chair in your face!" - probably Albert Einstein, shortly before he threw a chair at his music teacher.

"I never wrote a song.....I never even had an idea for one. Just once, may be."- Elvis Presley. I have the same thought about winning these games.

"I am not a Marxist." - Karl Marx. This just makes me chuckle.

"A Lannister always pays his debts." - all Lansiters before, during and after drinking wine.

"The Lansiters are not the only ones who pay their debts." Oberyn Martell, said with pure confidence in his skills.

"Hodor." - Hodor, a man the size of a door trying to hold a door.

"My greatest regret in life is that I will not see myself perform live." - Kanye West. I wish that was the height of his stupidity and arrogance.

"Hit me baby one more time" - Britney Spears and me when I am intimate.

"Be careful of quotes, even those by famous people. Do not pretend for a second that you can see yourself stand in their shoes and comprehend their thoughts in all their glory and fallacies uttered in a few words in a short moment of their lives." - Kobayashi Maru.

"All herbivores and birds are opportunistic carnovores." - Soren Bowie. This is just a reminder that horses will eat baby chicks.
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