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17 av 27 (63%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer


Deal 10 or more Overkill damage in a single battle.
Upplåst 30 okt @ 21:05


Deal 20 or more Overkill damage in a single battle.
Upplåst 1 nov @ 18:51

Beginner Blitzer

Play 250 cards.
Upplåst 30 okt @ 20:07

Experienced Blitzer

Play 500 cards.
Upplåst 31 okt @ 17:06

Professional Blitzer

Play 1000 cards.
Upplåst 31 okt @ 19:53

Path of Victory

Win 50 matches.
Upplåst 31 okt @ 20:09

Beginner Melder

Meld 5 cards at Mawlder's Furnace.
Upplåst 30 okt @ 20:17

Fully Loaded

Start a battle with 4 relics at once.
Upplåst 31 okt @ 19:19

Relic Rookie

Purchase a Relic.
Upplåst 30 okt @ 19:07

Relic Connoisseur

Purchase 10 Relics.
Upplåst 31 okt @ 18:45

Card Kid

Purchase a Card.
Upplåst 30 okt @ 18:34

Spirited Collector

Purchase 20 Cards.
Upplåst 31 okt @ 18:32

Max Merc

Level any Mercenary to MAX in Tusk Tales.
Upplåst 1 nov @ 16:43

Perfect Mark

Achieve an S Rank in at least one Location in Tusk Tales.
Upplåst 31 okt @ 20:00

Up-and-Coming Merc

Complete your first run in Tusk Tales with a grade of C or higher.
Upplåst 30 okt @ 21:10

Hardcore Merc

Complete your first Hard run in Tusk Tales with a grade of C or higher.
Upplåst 5 nov @ 19:53

Proficient Merc

Finish a run with 5 different Mercenaries.
Upplåst 3 nov @ 9:48

Pirate King

Collect all Accolades in Redcroft's story.
0 / 1

Pop Star Sensation

Collect all Accolades in Violet's story.
0 / 1

Master Thief

Collect all Accolades in Quill's story.
0 / 1

Pirate's Ploy

Finish all 3 chapters of Redcroft's story.
0 / 3

Musical Meddling

Finish all 3 chapters of Violet's story.
1 / 3

Perilous Pilfering

Finish all 3 chapters of Quill's story.
1 / 3

Superior Strength

Reach Level 20 with any hero in Fables.
12 / 20

Master Melder

Meld 30 cards at Mawlder's Furnace.
8 / 30

Monk's Mantra

Finish all 3 chapters of Seto's story.
0 / 3

Enlightened Monk

Collect all Accolades in Seto's story.
0 / 1