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0.0 óra az elmúlt két hétben / 230.9 óra a nyilvántartásban (13.6 óra az értékeléskor)
Közzétéve: 2019. máj. 5., 2:42
Frissítve: 2019. máj. 9., 9:52

REVIEW START: 7.20PM 5/05/2019
PRICE: Free-To-Play

Colouring Pixels is a Free-To-Play Pixel-Art game made for the computer made by ToastieGames and was released on 18th August, 2018. This game is a casual and therapeutic game for time consumers, for anyone who needs to calm down from a bad day and/or people who are bored. This game consists of different images of all difficulties and sizes in over 10 packs and each pack consists of about 10 artworks.

This review will be a detailed review of the Pros and Cons of this game. Be aware this is a Free-To-Play game and this is an honest opinion.

Start-up Configuration
Start-up Config is when you start up the game it gives you choices on what graphics quality and resolution you want.

*There is a graphics and input option to choose from (Graphics is the General area of the Config and Input is to change your key configurations).
*It's very simple to manoeuvre, you can see all the things you need such as Windowed mode or Fullscreen mode.
*You are able to choose different screen resolutions to play at what you feel like playing at (1600 x 900, 1680 x 1050 and more resolutions).
*You are able to select which monitor you'd like to play on, which is a good thing in any game.

*This game doesn't support newer model Monitors with higher resolutions, such as 1920 x 1080. If you are wanting to play the game in your resolution, might as well play it in Windowed mode.

The Menu is when you click start and load into the game, it shows you the first pack with what pixel-art is in that specific pack. It is very simple to get around the games Menu and to be able to find your way to places you need.
There is nothing wrong to be able to pin point on this area of the game as it seems to be well thought out.

The settings are what will be helpful for in-game mechanics, so it's pretty simple to manoeuvre.

*The settings are very simple to figure out where things are.
*You are able to enable and disable different things such as the ability to not go over your progressed colours, which is a very important and good setting when doing the more bigger and detailed Pixel Art.
*There are various options that you are able to use for in game, such as changing the font for the numbers to see better, which for me is very very helpful.

*The settings are missing quite a few options, some important ones, some of them are in the Start-up Config which doesn't need to be seconded in the Menu settings.
*The text is very hard to see, due to it being pixelated it becomes straining to the eyes, specially for people with vision impairment.

After Finishing Pack 1, and the Bonus back I have gathered enough data to be able to give both positive and negative feedback for in game when colouring the Pixel-Art.

*The game itself is very responsive and smooth as it doesn't require much power to use, meaning it can be run on the lowest quality Computers/Laptops.
*The game is definitely a therapeutic game to play if you are stressing or feeling the need to calm down, as well as a good time consumer if you have nothing to do.

*There are no highlighted areas, every pixel game that I have played, mobile and on PC always seem to have highlighted numbers for whatever numbered colour you choose. This game does not have this feature and its a vital feature to have in a game like this, which makes it difficult to know which number is where.
*Your fingers hurt after holding down the mouse 1 button for too long, which leads me to say that this worries me for my mouse as you hold down for long periods of time and move the mouse back and forth.
*I do notice when zooming in and out, there are lines that go through the art. This might be PC related though.

Colouring Pixels is a good game for people who need to fill in time. It's very therapeutic for the mind and I enjoy playing it a lot when I am trying to calm down. For a free to play game it is good for what it is, and it comes with achievements which is a bonus. The levels/packs are easy to finish but will take time to do.

My main concerns about being able to finish the achievements is that most of the packs are put behind a Paywall. You get 4 free packs to do which will take over 15 hours to finish, there are about 200+ Achievements but you can only complete a small amount without buying the rest of the packs.
This leads me to my second reason why I won't be getting the rest of the packs, this game is a colouring game, usually when I am done with an artwork, I don't go back to redo it. Meaning that if I am to buy these packs and finish them, I will them be bored with the game. Also, Pixel art games, or colouring games are sometimes meant to not be for PC, in my opinion they aren't meant to be on PC. I worry about my mouse being broken from the constant holding of the Mouse 1 button, and you wouldn't use a drawing tablet on this game either because it will wear and tear the tip and tablet itself.

I recommend this game to anyone who is needing a few hours to kill time, however I will not recommend it to others due to the Paywall on a art game. I would've finished the game and 100% it, but I will not be doing that as it is a waste of my money, as sad as it may sound. There is no updated drawings to do as well, leaving me only with what I have for free and also being a short time frame.

It's a Neutral recommendation, so I will give it a thumbs up ONLY because it is a Free-To-Play game.
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