Chucky Cheese Manager
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Just a Cat 20 juin à 20h36 
Sorry, I just really don't want to play a game where I'm a 110% m1 killer, lose 3 gens in 1 chase and then feel like I need to camp hook and tunnel to get more than like 10k bp like what happened a few days ago and then I get 4 people acting like ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in endgame chat because I had the audacity to try to get more than 3 hooks on that ♥♥♥♥ map... I'd rather just move on and do something else lol
synthril 2 juin à 18h58 
synthril 2 juin à 18h34 
synthril 2 juin à 18h34 
synthril 2 juin à 18h34 
so cute 27 mai à 23h40 
+rep slap that thang