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Nylige anmeldelser av Tech-Adept Nicolai

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4.6 timer totalt
Absolutely incredible game. I cannot recommend this strongly enough, it has become one of my favourites.
Publisert 9. november 2024.
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10.1 timer totalt (4.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
TLDR; game doesn't have great optimization. I hope it changes sooner or later, but until then I cannot recommend this.

I have enjoyed The Last Stand series ending with union city, frequently playing it hacked. I can't say I played their F2P micro-transaction game "Dead Zone", but the mechanics used there make me hesitant to buy "Aftermath".

Regardless, I fully enjoy the series before then. But it's not optimized the way I hoped, as the games frequently stutters leading to slowed input from your mouse, basically dooming you. This persists even with the lowest possible graphics quality, leading to a frustrating experience. If you aren't already a fan of the series, do not buy this. Wait until these issues are sorted so these games that reward quick reactions are bearable. Until then, I can't promise you will enjoy this. I will gladly change this review upon further optimizations, as I loved playing Union City and was looking forward to playing it again, but as I'm not a Dev so I've no idea how much work that really is.
Publisert 25. september 2021.
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396.8 timer totalt (387.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I keep coming back to this game like a battered wife, but a lot of the joy in it died long ago when Ubisoft decided to milk this game like they milk R6: Siege with OP operators. I'd recommend getting it on a heavy sale because I have yet to play a game quite like it, but man, this could have remained great.
Publisert 18. desember 2018. Sist endret 9. november 2024.
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