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kayıtlarda 6.3 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 5.9 saat)
Mullet Madjack, better known as MULLET MADJACK is a hyper intensive first person shooter where you have to save a princess from a tower full of robot billionaires while being stuck in a livestream to entertain the masses. It's a weird and silly premise and the game doesn't take itself too seriously which is all the more better for it.

So the basic gimmick is your heart is attached to the livestream and every time you kill a robot you get a rush of adrenaline and dopamine that keeps your heart ticking. The catch is you only have 10 seconds to live so you need to keep moving and slaughtering your way across the tower lest you succumb to being a boring performance. That makes the game incredibly fast and chaotic. It's a lot of fun with various different melee and ranged weapons to choose from. Every time you complete a floor you gain access to a new upgrade that helps you out including upgrading your current weapon, adding explosive barrels, headshots give you an extra second to live, that sort of stuff.

The game is broken up into a few modes. You have a story mode with several different difficulties and a bunch of endless modes which normally I don't tend to care for in games, I usually just have my fun with the campaign and move on these days but I actually keep coming back to it from time to time. Completing these modes and difficulties unlocks you premium shoes to help kick more robots into exhaust fans and open electrical wires.

I love the art style and music. It's that very late 80s/early 90s anime cyberpunk aesthetic dialled up to 11 that just oozes style. The story and characters are very so so but no one is coming here for a gripping story. You're here for some heart pounding arcade action with a shotgun in one and a bunch of dumb one liners in the other. It's the type of game your parents worried about you playing growing up and quite frankly it's pure, undiluted fun with no strings attached. This is a certified buy and honestly one of the best games I played this year in 2023.
Yayınlanma 29 Kasım 2024.
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kayıtlarda 5.4 saat
Pepper Grinder is a fun, charming little game with not a lot to say. It's a pretty short 2D platformer about Pepper, a girl who had all her treasure stolen by pirates and with the help of some mining equipment you'll venture across a land that has no reason to be this well compatible with a drill. It's the central mechanic of the game and it manages to find a new, novel way to mix it up every couple of levels or so. Whether that's mining through fallen debris or using it to control a giant fish mech and destroy half the town of Innsmouth, you'll be using that drill to do something because on her own Pepper is not very useful. Control wise I found the drill to be mostly solid though if the game wants you to do some really precise drilling I found it to be a tad too unwieldy for it. This was an incredibly rare occurrence though and the only other thing I have to say is that after awhile your hands might start hurting from holding down the drill button for long periods of time.

The presentation was great with some nice pixel art and solid music. I gotta admit I wasn't expecting the soundtrack to be so... laid back? I was expecting a lot of frantic action music but a good chunk of it is atmospheric and mellow. There's even some jazz in the latter half. The heavy stuff is there when it's needed though so it's pretty well rounded. The story is about as simple as I explained it earlier though that's fine as it's the gameplay that takes centre stage here.

The game overall took about 5 hours to play through it and it's not the hardest platformer out there. Outside of the final boss I didn't really struggle with much and the game is fairly forgiving for the most part. I'd say I personally got my money's worth out of it but I'd have a hard time recommending it to most people at full price. There's more stuff in the game like collecting scarfs, hairdos and a sticker album but they're really there for the completionists. If you ever see this game on sale and it interests you then I can definitely recommend it. It's a tightly crafted 2D platformer that's all quality with none of the fat.
Yayınlanma 17 Haziran 2024.
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kayıtlarda 10.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 9.7 saat)
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - Anniversary Edition™ is a third person shooter made by Relic Entertainment, the same studio behind the Dawn of War games. You play as Captain Titus, Ultrachad of the blueberry brigade as he goes level to level defying the codex that his nerd friend Leandros keeps spewing up and slaughtering hordes of space orks. Starting off with nothing more than a glock with explosive rounds and a very large knife.

So this was a game made in a time where linear third person shooters were pretty popular so it made sense for the Warhammer franchise to dip their toes into the genre and to reach out for a more broader audience and I have to say, I think they did a pretty good job here. The campaign was a lot of fun and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The beauty of this game is that you can give it to someone who has never even heard of Warhammer and they'll most likely enjoy it. There's not a whole lot to it. The story is okay at best and bare bones window dressing at worst. Primarily it's about a squad of Ultramarines trying to secure a giant mech called a Titan but there's almost nothing of interest here.

The combat is what you're here for and they've done an exceptional job, mixing melee and ranged combat seamlessly while giving you minor upgrades every so often is a lot of fun. If you liked the modern Doom games then you'll probably enjoy this too. There is multiplayer as well though I didn't care much for it. It's mostly your standard affair of deathmatch modes and it's not all that active. There's a horde mode however (titled "Exterminatus") and that's personally more my scene. I could see myself booting this up and playing it with some friends in the future.

This game didn't initially sell well which is a shame but it came out the same month as Dark Souls and Gears of War 3 so it never really had a chance. That said as I'm writing this there is a sequel on the way so that's neat to hear. I do no doubt recommend this game but under one condition. Do not pay $75 AUD for this. I got the complete edition back before there was an anniversary edition for about $16 and that's what it should really be worth roughly. The price now, even when it goes on sale is ridiculous as they don't even do anything to justify it outside of adding some PDFs and the original soundtrack into it. If you see it for about $20 or less then definitely pick it up assuming you're interested.
Yayınlanma 18 Mayıs 2022. Son düzenlenme 18 Mayıs 2022.
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kayıtlarda 6.3 saat
Honestly I've kept a close eye on the franchise since probably 2014 now that I think about it but it was never a series I had sunk my teeth into. My previous experiences with the blue hedgehog consists of dabbling with Sonic 3 on PC when I was a kid, playing some demos for Sonic 1, 2 and CD a few years ago and I remember at least watching one of my friends play Shadow The Hedgehog at some point in high school so consider this as I'm mostly fresh to the series as a player.

And as a player I had a wonderful time with it. Sonic Generations is a celebratory best hits collection of classic levels over the course of what was at the time, the franchise's twentieth anniversary. You got the levels everyone knows like Green Hill Zone, Chemical Plant Zone and that one from Sonic Adventure 2 where he jumps off a helicopter and lands in a San Francisco type city on a snowboard but on top of that you have levels from Sonic Colors, Sonic Unleashed and so forth. I believe there's even a level from Sonic '06 which was a strange choice given its... infamous reputation but I digress.

On top of fun levels with good graphics, a nice arts style and fantastic music you have two play styles when navigating through the game. You can choose who you play as first but the general idea is you'll play as "Classic Sonic" in the first act of a level which has an emphasis on 2D platforming while the second act consists of playing as "Modern Sonic" with a mix of 2D and 3D game design on top of boosting for hyper speed. Honestly the Modern Sonic levels were usually a lot more fun but Classic Sonic is still fun to play.

There's a story there too but it's mainly just Sonic saving his friends from the space time continuum after some monster swipes them and takes them to a realm frozen in time. It sounds a bit bonkers when you put it this way but honestly it's incredibly easy to understand. It's simple, serviceable and doesn't distract you from the game and that's how I like my platformers.

To reach the next boss you have to do challenges to unlock keys and this is obvious padding for a game that's already short but I honestly didn't mind it all too much. This is one of those games where I'm happy to go back to previous levels because they're just a blast to play. That said the game clocks in at under six hours and I paid $7 for it so I definitely got my money's worth but I can't think I'd be happy if I had paid full price for the game at launch back in 2011. Still it goes on for dirt cheap these days and along with the challenges and unlocking bonus skills, art and music I could easily see this go up to over the ten hour mark.

I don't think I could recommend Sonic Generations enough. Even if you're a newbie like me there's a lot to enjoy here and even though I'm done with it I could see myself going back and playing the odd level here for a bit of casual fun. This definitely gets a thumbs up from me.
Yayınlanma 17 Temmuz 2021. Son düzenlenme 17 Temmuz 2021.
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kayıtlarda 4.5 saat
So Reigns is a cute little card game where you have to rule a kingdom as king for as long as possible. You do this by managing between the church, populace, army and the treasury. They're respresented by a metre and so if any one of them is too high or too low then you'll face one of many types of deaths. It's not that complicated of a game but the hook for it is that the more you play the more you uncover. You have goals to accomplish like ruling for king for sixty years or be involved in an affair. You unlock new decks that carry out new questlines and encounters which helps spice things up every now and again.

This is quite a nice little game with a fun idea. It does it well and the presentation is well done plus it's one of those games with good water cooler talk so you can tell your friends weird stories on how you met the Devil or how you arranged a wedding for some werewolves. The price of admission is also very nice. It does get a bit repetitive after awhile so I'd suggest playing it in short bursts or maybe get the iOS or Android version. It looks very much designed for those platforms. Still as is it's a good game that'll give a couple of hours of entertainment. I give it a 7/10.
Yayınlanma 9 Eylül 2016. Son düzenlenme 9 Eylül 2016.
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3 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 8.2 saat
Expansions are hard to come by these days. They're not as popular or profitable than many modern post launch support practices but roughly ten years ago as I write this they were the bread and butter for expanding a current game while working on a sequal or seperate project. Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil features a new campaign which I will be discussing in this review.

Now what did Doom 3 RoE bring to the table? Some minor new ememies to fight and two new weapons, the Grabber which is basically the Gravity Gun from Half Life 2 and the Double Barrel Shotgun AKA the Boomstick! This will be your new friend as shotgun ammo is now more plentiful, the gun is hugely powerful and enemies can often die in one or two hits with it. Honestly at times it makes all the other weapons rather useless minor a few moments here and there. I'm also a sucker for the Double Barrel Shotgun in video games, I can't help but enjoy using them. Now the story here is nothing special like the last one, after the events of the first game a new excavation team go back to Mars and explore the ruins and you activate some artifact that actually helps you in the game. It stops time at the start but you can get upgrades for it later on.

Nothing much can't be said other than some very minor tweaks. There are less enemies that unfairly leap and spawn right behind you. I forgot to mention in my review for Doom 3 that enemies would often spawn right behind you but I can only count two cases where that happens here. I felt that the game got oddly harder later on in the campaign. Not a huge difficulty spike but enough to notice that the difficulty curve skipped a beat. I think I enjoyed this a little more. The two new weapons were fun to use and the Artifact could really help you get out of some jams. If you're gonna get Doom 3 then odds are you're going to buy Resurrection of Evil in a bundle of some form so there is no harm in trying it out. I give it 6.5/10
Yayınlanma 8 Mayıs 2016.
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kayıtlarda 26.4 saat
Recattear: An Item Shop's Tale is a great consept that focuses on the shopkeeper's view of the classic J/RPG. This game has great characters and addicting mechanics that are on par with Diner Dash.

While I won't go into detail with the story (since the decription and reviews have explained about this) I will say this. While on paper it sounds boring the concept is actually very fun since the game focuses on trade and debts and the combat is a simple action RPG that will satisfy your looting desires.

8/10 A great game with fleshed out mechanics in trade and economy with good (but sometimes cheesy) dialogue.
Yayınlanma 7 Mayıs 2016.
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kayıtlarda 12.0 saat
I'll say that I like robots and that I like the wild west. It has both so I can't complain. Steamworld Dig is a great mining game with several influences such as Terarria, Megaman and Metroid. You play as Rusty who has inherited an old mine from his uncle. The main objective is to mine, collect ores, sell them and reach for the bottem of the mine. It was originally released on 3DS and the game is quite appealing to the eye, they managed to add quite a bit of colour for a mining game which is nice. The music is decent but I wouldn't say catchy. It more melds right into the game which is great as it adds to the game. The mining in the game is all about risk versus reward and it is done quite superbly.

Overall I give it 8.5/10 Its fun, looks great and you can play the game in your own pace. If you're not a big fan of games like Minecraft or Terraria, you should at least give this a go because (for people like me) it has a story and an ending plus the game has a bit to offer.
Yayınlanma 7 Mayıs 2016.
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9 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
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kayıtlarda 17.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 15.5 saat)
Well I've been playing this game since over a month ago. Why has it taken me this long to play through it? Probably two things, distractions from other games and the repetition that Doom 3 has.

Doom 3 was made by id Software back in 2004 and it's sort of like a reboot to the original in a way since it doesn't follow the past two games. Just think of it like The Legend of Zelda as you can jump into any game at any time. No need to know any important storyline, not like there is much of a story. Doom 3 is about a scientist in Mars who has gone mad and opens a portal to hell killing nearly everbody thus you're the last marine who must stop the demons invading using the only skill you have. Starting a genicide on anything that the Pope does not approve of. There are some basic characters, cutscenes, even audiologs and emails to read which a lot of the time it's not all that interesting and the only reason to read and listen to said audiologs and emails is to get codes for supply caches.

Weapons are good but not great. You have a decent variety of weapons like the shotgun, SMG and rocket launcher. I enjoyed using the Plasma Gun and the BFG was fun the three times I ever got to use it. Enemies are diverse but are hit or miss. I hate the spider ones because who enjoys shooting a bunch of #!$@ing spiders in every game ever? Also some enemies leap at you as soon as you enter a room which is both unfair and gets annoying real quick. I also found it really weird how sometimes I can shoot an Imp with the shotgun in point blank range and it'll die but the same thing happens again and it takes two hits. I could be wrong but there is something very off about it, possible poor hit detection.

Level design is okay at first, it's really creepy and some noises of screams and creaks tend to unsettle me but sooner or later it's just a matter of entering a room, demons spawning and you gotta shoot them all. It becomes dull, predictable and annoying and some areas are really cramped so dodging an Imp fireball can be at times impossible which makes it again unfair. I found that after I entered and left Hell I got real sick of it and I consider the rest of the game (2-4 hours) to just be padding it out. It really angered me when all I just wanted to do was move forward but a door says I don't have clearence and I need to find a keycard for it. It's not that the environment changes much either. For 80% of the game you'll be in a dark corridor of some kind of science facility and it leaves me wanting a bit more variation.

I think this game has a lot of smaller problems rather than a couple of really big problems. It only shows the longer you play it. You can tell that Doom 3 was influenced by Half Life which is ironic considering Half Life was initially inspired by Doom. I don't think it's a bad game by any means, it's actually an alright game to play through but this wouldn't really be a top recommendation of mine. I'd go with something like Half Life or Bioshock first but that's just my personal tastes. If you're interested then it's worth a go and it goes on sale for very low often. I give it a 6/10.
Yayınlanma 6 Mayıs 2016. Son düzenlenme 6 Mayıs 2016.
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15 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 16.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 16.1 saat)
I got this in a bundle and... I'm not even sure if I should even do this review?

You see when I like something a lot, I mean really a lot I don't find my reviews particularly well written. I've never tried writing a review for Cave Story and when I did one for Shovel Knight it was just pure gushing of why the game was awesome. It was a useless script that added nothing of value towards the game.

So Read Only Memories is a cyberpunk adventure game where a sentient robot named Turing invades your house and pleads for help as its creator went missing. That is all I'm gonna say with the story since it's the big focus of the game.

I really love this game. I consider it one of my favourite indie games now. The story is well written, the characters are all lovable and memorable, the 80s retro artstyle is gorgeous and the music? Well I just bought the soundtrack so take that for what you will.

It's closer to a visual novel with a point and click adventure overlay more than anything. Its puzzles are not really complicated and the real big focus are on your interactions with people you meet. The discussions with Turing is my favourite, it's both adorable and very intriguing to talk to your little robot friend.

This game gets a 10/10 for me but even with that I can't reccommend this to everyone. It's just not that type of game. If you hate the terrible logic puzzles in point and click adventure games then I can safely say it has none of that, they cut the fat off that aspect of the genre. If you want a cyberpunk adventure that's light on the gameplay then I can definitely give this a recomendation to you.

If you're interested then please give it a go. MidBoss have done a wonderful job in creating this world. To me it's one of those games I missed out on during 2015.
Yayınlanma 12 Mart 2016. Son düzenlenme 18 Nisan 2016.
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