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18.4 h en tout (18.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I friend gifted me this game so I just wanted to shout out a big thanks to him!

This game... is awesome. I love the concept. Created by Behold Studios, Chroma Squad is essentially a Power Rangers management sim. You get to make your own squad and customize your team to fit your desires of having one of the best or lamest Sentai teams ever!

The story is that a bunch of stuntmen quit their old job because they believe their director lacks creativity and want more creative freedom. The plot really goes off the rails later on but it's fun to watch. The dialogue of your team is super corny but I loved it however if that's not your thing then it might be something to consider if you're planning on getting Chroma Squad. The dialogue is filled with puns, references and enough fourth wall jokes to make Deadpool blush.

Visually it looks nice, it's some nice pixel graphics. I don't think they use it as a lazy excuse since it's nice good to look at and there is detail in the game. Not the heaviest but enough to distinguish everything easily. The music is personally one of the best parts of the game. This is some really good chiptune music, it has some great soundtracks that get you pumped up for a boss battle and my personal favourite "This is Cerebro" is so campy and so catchy.

The gameplay itself, when fighting is a tactical RPG. A pretty fun one, the game has an emphasis on team attacks which is pretty cool and works with the theme. You got abilities and cool weapons for the different classes to play around with and a cool chunk of bosses. You also get finishing moves for them which is pretty sweet as well. One thing that does bother me a bit is that a lot of the time the game can be too easy but then there is a huge difficulty spike in the last level. What is that all about?

When not in normal combat you're doing one of two things. The first is managing your studio, it's fun as you have to upgrade the studio, buy or craft new gear, hire agencies to promote your show, check emails and all that managment sim stuff. The other is the mech combat. It wouldn't be Power Rangers without a giant mech battle in almost every episode. It can be fun but really it just comes down to chance whether attack or block attacks. It looks cool but it's pretty shallow.

To conclude my mad ramblings I of course like this game a lot! It's one of those games I wished I played earlier when it came out last year. If you understand the basic core material you'll have a lot of fun with it. If you've never heard of Power Rangers AT ALL or know exactly ziltch about it then I wouldn't reccommend this to you. Otherwise you should definitely get it! It's a game that's about having fun rather than being amazingly unique or difficult (for the most part). I give this an 8.5/10
Évaluation publiée le 1 mars 2016. Dernière modification le 1 mars 2016.
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15.6 h en tout (12.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Paper's Please, say that with a stern look and you got it right yet the game is unique and memerable. The game is strangely more than just a paper simulater, the game is also about the moral choices you make in a distopian society and playing the role of a boarder checkpoint officer you will see people pleading to get to the next state. The game is a fresh experience with Commodore 64 graphics that actually suits best for the game. The game is best however when you play it in short bursts or else the game will become ever more tedious


An interesting game with a story driven campaign and a brilliant opressed atmosphere. Just make sure you play it in bursts of (recommended not ordered) 1-2 hours a session.
Évaluation publiée le 27 février 2016.
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4.9 h en tout
Gunpoint melds into a mystery crime thriller with retro visuals. The story branches out into multiple endings which shows replayibility and I think the the two best things about Gunpoint is the slow, jazz music that gives the game that noire touch and multiple choices and soloutions you have a lot of the puzzles. The only issue that most people would find is that the game is too short but remember length doesn't mean a good quality game.

9/10 An intersting story with innovative gameplay mechanics and a brilliant atmosphere within Gunpoint.
Évaluation publiée le 27 février 2016.
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3.5 h en tout
Gunman Clive is a simple, engaging game with some unique features. The handrawn illustations are brilliant and the game has simple yet interesting puzzles that feature a new mechanic in nearly every level. The boss battles are fun and has good replayability with a small selection of different characters.

7/10 A fun short game with good visuals, gameplay mechanics and replayability.
Évaluation publiée le 27 février 2016.
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15.4 h en tout (15.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
The Banner Saga is a tale of struggle and survival where the world is believed to be coming to an end after the gods have died and the sun has stopped. This game personally was a great game to end the year.

So the Banner Saga is a turn based stratergy RPG with choose your own adventure choices. The combat is engaging as it is important to know when to strike an enemy's health or to break their armor. The characters you travel with are interesting with their own views of the situation for the most part. A couple of your members only show up once or twice and never appear again which is a bit of a shame. The lore in this game is actually quite cool to read which you can when you view the map.

Nobody can talk about the Banner Saga without mentioning the artstyle. It's amazing and is truely wonderful to see though most of the cutscenes are just still images and that was a missed opportunity however the music is just as good and can really help immerse yourself in the game.

The Banner Saga is a worthy game to play with good combat, great story and amazing art and music. It is a 9/10 and if you like the game the sequal is coming out sometime this year.
Évaluation publiée le 13 février 2016.
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7.7 h en tout (7.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Hotline Miami is a brutal and stylised violent game that the game delvelopers knew what their objective was: Make a fun, short and gory game that does not try to be more than it needs to be.


A good 80s retro drug induced style with soundtracks from upbeat to haunting tied up with a core gamplay mechanic based on relfexes. A must have for indie gamers.
Évaluation publiée le 13 février 2016.
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4.8 h en tout
Velocity Ultra is actually a HD version of Velocity which is a shoot 'em up/puzzle game. The story is about a blackhole coming to destroy a bunch of colonies and space stations and you as Lietenant Kai Tana (only realised the name halfway through the game...) are tasked with rescuing as many engineers, scientists and colonists along with taking out some alien invaders taking advantage of the situation. The story reminds me of Sanctum 2 as in it's there but almost pointless and acts as a base setup but here it looks like they really tried expanding this game's universe and it's somewhat interesting so A for effort!

You take pilot of the Quarp Jet which let's you teleport to hard to reach places. This shooter has some puzzles as well, mainly deactivating powerstations. It's interesting and works for the most part. You have your normal things like shooting aliens, upgrades and such. I like the cutscene images, they're very nice and detailed and the levels themselves are alright too. Music is okay, it sets the mood but you won't be tapping your toes to anything. The game contains a story mode with 50 missions, leaderboards and a flight computer which has various things to offer such as concept art unlocks, minigames, a calculator and... minesweeper? What?

Still this game is very good, it won't rock your boat but that's fine. It's a nice little shooter game to have fun with occasionally. It has a couple of cool tricks too and uses them well enough. I'm not sure if the sequal is any good but now I gotta give it a try someday. This game gets a 7.5/10
Évaluation publiée le 13 février 2016.
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11.9 h en tout (10.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Usually I review games once I've finished them though there are exceptions with this being one of them because I have come to conclude this one simple fact:

I will never finish Super Hexagon

That doesn't mean you shoudln't buy it. No buy it now. Its entry fee is well worth your time. Super Hexagon is an arcade reflex game where you have to beat a level by playing it for 60 seconds or more. It sounds easy but you're gonna lose. A lot. I've played this game for 10 hours and I've only ever finished the first 2 levels. It's a great game to play when you have nothing else to do and it's absolutely grand to gloat about your high score among your other friends who play this game.

Go play it. It's cheap, fun and has a lot of replay value though don't expect to finish it. Very few do but that's okay because nobody is judging you (in public) and it's a danm hard game but by god it's so much fun. It's an 8/10 for me.
Évaluation publiée le 30 décembre 2015. Dernière modification le 30 décembre 2015.
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3.9 h en tout
I got a free copy since I owned the original version of the game.

I was looking over my older review of No Time To Explain and I think I was more patient back then, the game can by fun but also really frustrating. It's a game with a lovely concept that falls below in design.

The game claimed itself as a comedy platformer. They got the comedy right for sure. I love the writing and dialogue it's quite hilarious as it's about stopping your evil self with a goatee from ruining the past. The plot is bonkers and quite fun to watch. Gameplay however is very frustrating and feels clunky. Precision in a platformer is necessary and this game doesn't do it well. Bosses are all over the place as the difficulty curve waves frantically.

As a remaster it's pretty good. A lot of bugs have been fixed and new features have been added such as controller support and co-op. The level editor is still there so a community can stay present here. To conclude I think this game is worth your time if you can forgive its flaws. There is a game with heart that tinyBuild has made here. It can just get rage inducing though so keep that in mind. Campaign is short too so maybe wait on a sale. I give it a 6/10
Évaluation publiée le 11 décembre 2015. Dernière modification le 11 décembre 2015.
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0.6 h en tout
A sequal demo to Kero Blaster's last demo, Pink Hour. You get to control the pink lady thing again in another short adventure about saving the shopkeeper. It's a little quirky and innocent but I like it. I can't really say a lot about it. It's a nice little nibbly taste of what Kero Blaster has to offer.

Worth a look if you got some free time to spare. It's also just as cute as the last demo. ^_^ I give it 7/10
Évaluation publiée le 30 novembre 2015. Dernière modification le 30 novembre 2015.
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