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15 people found this review helpful
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132.8 hrs on record (22.1 hrs at review time)
As my one cousin would say when playing the board game: "You guys always team up on me, because I'm older." Well, no. It was because he was an overextending warmonger and everyone saw the risk he posed to the world. Nothing is different online in this game. Everyone is untrustworthy and looking for an advantage. Some are dimmer than others, but even the dimmest mind poses a threat to your men.

The game itself is free, but a premium version is offered if you want a bunch of extra maps and other features. I think the biggest perk is having the extra maps, because after a while the classic map gets stale and the 2 free bonus maps, that are changed every so often, aren't always that fun. Still, even the most boring map can be fun when playing with friends. I should mention there is a token system to play, but it doesn't cost very much. I believe it's 10 tokens a game and you're given over 150. Plus they replenish everyday so you really never run out. For a free game you can't really go wrong with this. However, if you find yourself really hooked I would definitely recommend getting the full version to play much more exciting games.
Posted 26 June, 2020.
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72.7 hrs on record (71.7 hrs at review time)
I AM recommending this game, but let me be clear. THIS IS NOT A GOOD FALLOUT GAME. With that being said, it is still a good game. I say this because many of the best elements of Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas are missing. The amount of choice, moral ambiguity, and ability to decide your own outcome are extremely limited in this game when compared to it's predecessors. However, although the Creation Engine is outdated and the gun mechanics are subpar compared to other AAA titles, the gunplay is far better than in 3 and NV. Also, the atmosphere of the game in terms of music and art style continue to build on Fallout's distinct charm. Yet I do want to explain in more detail what the game does wrong, because I don't want those who are new to the series to be turned off after their purchase.

Fallout 4 is lacking in story, writing, voice acting, depth, and choice. Literally everything that a great RPG, especially one in a great franchise like Fallout, needs. These areas are not atrocious by any means, but when held up to its predecessors it comes off as lazy. The use of a voiced protagonist definitely plays a role, because with it comes a chat wheel that is basic and often misleading. Dialogue essentially breaks down like this:
"Yes (sarcastic)"
"More Information".

Literally these are your options. Then your character will say something that somehow fits in with that choice and it can sometimes feel out of place. One of the best things in the other games was reading the dialogue options and saying them the way you wanted to in your head. Or seeing a dialogue choice that you wouldn't even think you'd be allowed to say in that moment and it just makes you laugh out loud. That is what's missing from this game. These problems unfortunately bleed into other things like factions (Reputations being nonexistent). Each of the 4 factions (if you can even call some of them that) don't really offer much in terms of difference near the end of the game. Sure each group seems very different on the surface, but the end of their story arcs are all very similar if not the same. I remember how let down I was when I first beat the game. It was a chilly November day in 2015 and I was locked into Fallout 4 on my Xbone. The end was fast approaching and I was so curious as to what my end cut scenes would be. Alas, it was not to be. I won't say what happens exactly, but gone are the days of Fallout NV where each major character and many minor characters have their arcs wrapped up in an ending video.

This game is still a must-play for Fallout Junkies. It takes you to a new setting and expands on the lore which can be interesting at times. I know it may not sound like it, but I did have fun playing this game. It just takes time to adjust to what it is. After all, there are some fun aspects to it. The new power armor system has its perks and there are some redeeming characters. Nick Valentine, Piper, and Captain Ironsides are just some that popped into my head. Also, Far Harbor is an excellent DLC to play. Especially after many of the other DLCs for this game fell flat.

If you decide to buy I hope you enjoy it, but I highly recommend you play New Vegas and 3. As well as Fallout 1 and 2 if you can make the jump back. Also! Play the Outer Worlds and throw some support to Obsidian and please stay away from Fallout 76.

"Have a nice night."
"Have a nice day."
"What do you think about my review?"
"Thanks for reading."
"Thanks for reading (Sarcastic)."
"Go ♥♥♥♥ yourself!"
Posted 22 November, 2019. Last edited 26 December, 2019.
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1,309.8 hrs on record (853.1 hrs at review time)
I was first exposed to the civilization games with Civilization Revolution for Xbox 360. The game was simple and broken in some respects, but it was still a great game. I decided to give a PC version a try shortly after I bought my computer. I bought the game for very cheap (around $12). I believe this came with both "God"s and Kings" and "Brave New World". I can gladly say that this purchase has been one of the best I've ever made. The memories and fun I've had are worth way more than $12. Hell, I would have paid full price if I knew what awaited me. Both DLC's add so much to the game and the replay value is massive. In my opinion it's the best civ out there even years after release. It might ruin some friendships if you play online or cause you to fail some tests after saying "Just one more turn". Still, nothing beats dominating someone militarily or economically or culturally or diplomatically or religiously or.....sorry. You get the point. I won't get into every detail of the game. I'm sure there's a YouTube review that can explain it all in 5 minutes better than I ever can. I'm just here to tell you that even as I finish my senior year in college, whenever I load up this game it takes me back to sophomore year of high school when I first saw that intro screen. Not just civ, but the first time I played Dota 2, Planetside, and even Red Orchestra 2. It takes me back to the summer nights of 2013 when these games kept me up all night. No worries, no stress, and no real responsibilities besides destroying mid tower or taking Delhi. I can go on all day about the memories I have of this game and all the others, but I won't bore you. The point I'm trying to make is this: If a game can take you back to a place when you were happiest; whether it be a month ago, or in my case 6 years ago, it's worth every penny. I hope you give it a shot and have the same experience I did. If not, I hope you find another game that gives you the same feeling. Just remember that it's never too late to start making memories.
Posted 21 February, 2019.
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2,623.1 hrs on record (2,016.6 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
This is probably one of the most toxic and inconsistent games I've ever played. Does anyone out there know how the ranking system in this game actually works? Does anyone out Valve actually know? Probably not. How do I win 2 games in a row playing subpar in at least one of them and I rank up to MG2. Then I lose 2 games "14-16" both times and tie 2 others, while top fragging mind you, and I derank back down. Apparently you can get to MG2 while having the mind of a silver and completely ♥♥♥♥ your teammates over. Smurfs and hackers manage to get into prime matches too so there's no point in doing that useless ♥♥♥♥. Do yourself a favor and play Faceit or ESEA if you really want to play. If you're on the fence then just turn right around, because this game is BS.

Ehhhh it's not so bad.
Posted 16 April, 2018. Last edited 22 February, 2020.
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10 people found this review helpful
7.0 hrs on record
Bought this game knowing it would be basic, but I loved the concept and was hoping for a fun time-waster. I could not have been more wrong. I found out that it was a single developer so I didn't expect the game to imporve that quickly. I wasn't hoping for new units or buildings I just wanted bug fixes. When I actually saw the first bug patch I was pretty excited, but it actually didn't do anything. My friend and I still broke the game, because the builder cap was infinite. The gas traps never expired and just killed everything that came near it. The game is essentially unplaybale up to a point and multiplayer is useless. The last patch was in 2016 and I found out this year that the dev no longer works on the game. Instead he's focusing on creating another game. If you create a game in your spare time, that's awesome. However, once you start charging people money for it you become a real developer and you need to honor your commitment. This developer clearly doesn't care. Stay away from One Wheel Studios.
Posted 28 March, 2018. Last edited 28 March, 2018.
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75.2 hrs on record (68.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Probably one of the best games you can get for free. I really mean that. When I first installed it I was surprised by how smooth the gun effects were. To be completely honest I expected this game to suck ♥♥♥♥. I ended up having a blast my first time. Playing by yourself is tough, because you'll never be able to set up and live alone. Usually each server is dominated by one or two groups, so you're going to need a couple of friends if you want to control the map. The maps are somewhat small, but it fits the game. If the regular game isn't fun for you then you can always play the arena mode, which is pretty fun if you're by yourself. I mean if you think it sucks I don't care, but at least give it a shot. It's free.
Posted 13 March, 2017.
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4,221.0 hrs on record (2,117.1 hrs at review time)
When I first bought my computer Dota was included for free. (The game cost money at this time) It was the only game I had for a long time, because I was a High School kid without a job so rip. Anyway I had no idea what the game was or was about so I assumed the game was like the tutorial it came with. I was in for a rude awakening when I tried to play online. I apologize to the team I got put with, because I sucked ♥♥♥♥. I learned quick and it started a fantastic experience. Started playing in 2013 and the game is still just as fun as it was then. So many memories playing with my friends and I wouldn't trade that for anything. Great Game especially since it's free now.
Posted 24 November, 2016.
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15 people found this review helpful
222.9 hrs on record (138.4 hrs at review time)
The Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep, The Big Combo. Why am I mentioning these movies? Because this game is a movie. The name is L.A. Noire. It takes a lot from the style of film noire of the 1940s. With that being said you're in for one hell of game. Absolutely fantastic story and characters; combined with a beautiful map and fun gameplay. It's a very unique game in my opinion; there aren't many like it. I stretched the game out for a long time (almost 6 or 7 months) so when I finished it was almost like I had binge watched a tv show on netflix and it was coming to a close. One of the few games that actually made me emotional at the end. I highly recommend it to anyone who's considering it. The game is usually very cheap during $ales and the game is rather lengthy so it's a steal. WHERE'S MY SEQUEL?!
Posted 1 September, 2016. Last edited 1 September, 2016.
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641.1 hrs on record (479.1 hrs at review time)
Alright let's break it down right quick. Amazing game. Plenty of fun playing with friends and if you solo queue. Sometimes the game is a bit rough by yourself though. You can easily be kicked or end up with terrible teammates. Now let's talk about that for a second. The community in this game has gone to hell. Griefers, trolls, the occasional hacker, and just absolute ♥♥♥♥♥. Despite this it's still one of the best games out there. Great selection of mods that range from skins, music, maps, and much more. Definitely worth the pickup, but it's 2016 and you should already have the game so don't buy it and ruin the game for everyone else.
Posted 30 August, 2016.
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1.8 hrs on record (1.7 hrs at review time)
Amazing Soundtrack, fun gameplay, and nice visuals. Sweet deal for $1.99. Even better when it's on $ale.
Posted 28 July, 2016.
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