
Последние обзоры NewportNy1990

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This game is like, lets take everything The Crew had going for it and what made it enjoyable and put absolutely non of that into The Crew 2. I was expecting to get a cool racing game but instead i got Gta V online racing. This is trash they should be embarrassed they put this out to the public!
Опубликовано 3 июля 2019 г..
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202.3 ч. всего (202.3 ч. в момент написания)
Just buy it already.
Опубликовано 3 июля 2019 г..
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1,570.5 ч. всего (722.8 ч. в момент написания)
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Hmm, Ive been holding off for a LONG while now to make a review about this game. The game really isnt optimized ive saw in a few patches they were working on it. Then it just stopped and has been at the same level since. I have a beefy comp, 970 ftw + i5 7600k i run the game fine. Even in 4k i can get 30 frames. So the game really does look stunning but friends who have the game ive watched on their screen and everything looks like playdo.. So i can see were that gets frusterating. Me and some friends got the game when it was 25 bucks. Well worth it we put a LOT of time into it. Being how grindy this game is you have to. So i purchased servers and ran them and would up everything so i didnt have to wait a day to tame 1 dino.. literally. I work 50+ hours a week dont have time for that. But messing with settings and it was taken care of. Then DLC comes out for 20 bucks?! For an unfinished game?! I was upset about it but hey i figured itd be going to making the game better right? Well seems like nothing came from that. Ive given this game many chances but i come on to see that want 60 bucks for this unfnished game?! Like seriously is this a joke?! Oh Btw the Pvp is a joke. once upon a time it was actually fun and good. But like the whole game they have ruined it.

Save your money, dont buy this for 60 bucks. Its not worth it. At all i wasnt going to give this a bad review but thats the last straw... FINISH THE F GAMING ALREADY.
Then jacking the price up like this makes me think they are trying to stop people from buying it so they dont have to finish.
Опубликовано 6 июля 2017 г..
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3,318.2 ч. всего (505.7 ч. в момент написания)
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The time ive put in the game should say enough about it. Fantastic game itll keep ya on ur toes!
Опубликовано 8 декабря 2014 г..
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