jet bean
ur mom
If every male on earth got a boner at the same time, the earth's rotation would slow down. Assume there are about 3.8 billion males, with an average ♥♥♥♥ height of about 80 cm off the ground. The average ♥♥♥♥ weighs about 100 grams.

That's a combined mass of 380,000,000 kg of ♥♥♥♥.

Now we must make an approximation. For simplicity's sake, let us assume the penises are all evenly lined up in a ring around the equator. The equation for moment of inertia of a ring is I = mass*radius^2. The radius of earth is about 6.371 million meters. Therefore the radius of the approximated ♥♥♥♥ ring is 6,371,000 + 0.80 = 6,371,000.8 meters.

I = 380,000,000*6,371,000.8^2 = 1.5424*10^22

The Earth has a moment of inertia, I = 8.04×10^37 kg*m^2. The Earth rotates at a moderate angular velocity of 7.2921159 ×10^−5 radians/second.

Using Conservation of Angular Momentum we can find the new rotation of the earth.

L=I*omega= 8.04×10^37 kg*m^2 * 7.2921159 × 10^−5 = 5.86286*10^33.
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5,121 Hours played
After playing this game for over 500 hours i feel like my opinion should matter on this trash game. The game rewards passive play over aggressive play so everyone in this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game plays extremely passive. On top of that the matchmaking sucks ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. you constantly fight people no where near your elo range and the elo you gain and lose makes no sense at all. The game can easily get anyone mad with how annoying the people in this game play. Brawlhalla can be fun casually playing but competitivly like ranked is not at all fun. Another thing I almost forgot to mention is the community is extremely toxic. Thats all

Ok now its been 1000 hours of playing this game and I must say nothing has really changed. the game still sucks weiner and everyone plays like a lil beotch aka is passive. The ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ devs still have no idea how to balance anything and hammer is dominating the game. Lance pretty broken too but hammer on a whole nother level. It takes them 14 years to balance the insanely op weapons but they never touch weapons that are completely irrelevant and just leave them bad. and still the community sucks balls. for example lets say i fight someone and they win, they sometimes say gg or say I suck ass. Now if they said gg and then i fight them again and I win, now they call me the n word or something else instead of a gg. this happens about 99.99% of the time. and whenever u beat anyone theyll just talk trash. the community is super duper cooper annoying. and now the only content in the game are "Crossover" skins that cost like $20 each for some poorly re colored sigs. and the cross overs are always super lame like steven universe wtf is that just give me a balance patch instead. anyways yea play the game casually with friends never touch ranked its annoying.

(Edit 1/3/2021)
Ok so it's time for that 500 hour update. I have now played this game for over 1.5k hours and I must say not much from my last update has changed. Crossovers have gotten even worse and it is the only ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ content they add, but instead of it being poorly colored, now its extremely pay to win. Some of the signature attacks on crossovers quite literally make you invisible. Yeah thats fair. Balance is still as god awful as ever. Right before the biggest tournament of the year, BCX (The world championship) they added the most broken weapon into the game called greatsword. Instead of nerfing it or banning it from tournament play they just left it how it was and of course the weapon dominated the tournament in all regions. Not only is greatsword broken but theres weapons like hammer and bow that completely destroy the meta as well. Then some weapons are so much worse their not even comparable to those top tier weapons. This game has gone nowhere except with crossovers and it makes me sad to see that they still don't add nice updates or anything. it used to be so much better but now we just get crossover updates as the big updates and balance patches even after greatsword are taking extremely long. This game is absolute dog water do not ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ play it.

(Edit 10/15/2021 11:50 pm)
So its been 2500 hours... I know i missed the 2000 hour update but this game is so ass I just could not bring myself to update it at 2000 hours. Tomorrow is the autumn championship and i must say... THIS GAME STILL SUCKS SO MUCH ASS. The balance still sucks weiner. Remember when I talked about greatsword being insane last year? Thats basically what axe in this game right now is. Axe is unholy as ♥♥♥♥ and is the best weapon in both gamemodes. It kills in orange and counters every single weapon except for one. Ive become much better since my last review and it makes me realize just how ass this game really is. You sit on the corner of the map and guess what? you get weapon spawns. Sadly playing like a ♥♥♥♥♥ is the meta of this game. Unfortunately I have somewhat fallen to this dark side too as I want to be good at the game. I will have this thing called stage control, and my opponent sits on the corner like a little ♥♥♥♥♥. OHP WEAPON SPAWN ON TOP OF THEM (Im talking to you kevstah). But yes i have the worst weapon spawn luck in this game. this game is so bad. Crossovers... yes they have gotten worse. There is still invisible signatures. and this games only content still is crossovers. They make a battlepass and it ends and it takes them 6 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ months to release the next half ass battlepass with 4/5ths of it being colors which u just unlock them all at the end. LIKE WHAT THE ♥♥♥♥ AM I GRINDING FOR. gauntlets suck. scythe sucks. guess what i play. Mordex (The scythe gauntlet legend). He also has very trash signatures. Characters like hattori have some of the best signatures in the game. Im not projecting. This game is terrible. I dont even know why I have continued my review to 2500 hours... i should not have 2500 hours for how ass this game is. It is full of trash individuals. The arcadian champion is pretty cool i guess. Burger king has this new chicken sandwich called the chking and its pretty fire. anyways ♥♥♥♥ this game. see you in 3000 hours which is like 200 away cause i play this god forbidden game. check out chunkymonkeys review if u want some more factual reviews.

(Edit 6/3/2022 1:48 pm)
3.5k hours of this game. You know its been a long journey. And as of the most recent brawlhalla major, spring championship 2022, I got 2nd place. This means everything in this review is now validated as I am a silver medalist. No one can deny what this review says. The game... has not changed much. We still just get stupid crossovers every month, however what has changed is balance patches. Instead of every few months its about twice a year now. cant remember the last time the balance has even changed. I play low tier mordex and his booty cheeks weapons have not got buffed. To be honest idk what they r doing at bmg. Im sick of these damn crossovers and their literal invisible sigs. Luke the newest crossover, has a crossover signature that has invisible hitboxes.... like bruh. I dont even know what to say in this review anymore, the company behind the game just seems to not care about us anymore. I want regular skins, new legends, balance patches. But instead what do I get? Fricken crossovers. Broken crossovers. That arent for mordex. Like atleast give mordex some invisible sigs. Brawlhalla has been getting a lot of smoke recently for this new fighting game multiversus that came out. So what do they do to try to compete? THEY GIVE US CONSOLE SOUNDS. Now i dont know if ur aware but console brawlhalla are insanely ♥♥♥♥. you throw your weapon at the enemy and your ears get ass blasted by a loud bang sound. But then you hit a normal move and you cant even hear it and it sounds like ur cutting paper. Like why??? And this is right before the first lan to come back in 2 years. WTF ARE U DOING BRAWLHALLA. You know.. i started this review off as a noob at 500 hours and now were at 3.5k hours and I got 2nd place in a major. I still hate the game but you know what thats okay. Hopefully after 600 years bmg can learn from their mistakes (which wont happen) and can make the game better. please give me a new mordex crossover since thats the only content anymore. ♥♥♥♥ you kevstah
Aikyyu 4 Sep, 2024 @ 1:49pm 
bello! you are a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ :steamhappy:
sarah 12 Jun, 2023 @ 10:26pm 
mrbearblue 12 Oct, 2022 @ 11:52pm 
And I'm not joining if Jet Bean is there, I'm sorry for being difficult but seeing his name anywhere or hearing it makes me feel horny and scared. I know it's gonna sound crazy, but I can literally feel my penis lock up and sometimes I even stop breathing just cause I see his name. I don't know why this happens but i'd rather not give myself a boner from being in a call with him and just give myself space
Sno 18 Jul, 2022 @ 3:34pm 
This man has a habit of following me home from school. I’m 10 years old and this guy looks 47. He always carries a camera with him.
AblazZe Guy 3 Feb, 2022 @ 10:07pm 
This guy is an Among Us enjoyer, because I said so.
Fr8ty 11 Oct, 2021 @ 3:57pm 
you're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥