Noir ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 6 AGO a las 11:22 p. m. 
bridget gif is a W :MHRISE_Felyne:
khubiz tuna 14 MAY a las 4:05 a. m. 
I'll buy this from you for $5. Take it or leave it
Road to Herald 5 FEB 2021 a las 5:49 a. m. 
While the Cold War, Japan was planning to get revenge on America, and it's allies. They called it Project Management. There plan was to Brainwashed every Western Citzens and make them turn their backs on their Leaders, and make the whole World Japan. This plan wasn't Successful for their eyes. But, in 1994 the Technology that will change the way we learn and think about the World forever. This was amazing for the Japanese Government, they can get their Anime to the whole World.

We have entered present day and over 25% of people are Weeaboos, and that's is 1/7th of the population. Our only cure is to destroy our devices that have interstellar network chips inside, and depose all Life forms that identifies it self a weeaboo. Sadly there's no way to help these poor souls, they have been Brainwashed so badly that it's beyond repair.
Road to Herald 5 FEB 2021 a las 5:49 a. m. 
What do you mean by that? See, you remember History class, right? So you all know about the infamous WW2? If you don't, well, I'm just going to tell you the end of it. What!? You're pissed off? Just look it up on Wikipedia! So in 1945, the American and the British invaded Germany, and they successfully took over Germany and the war was almost over. While that was happening, the American Government was working on a secret project called the Manhattan Project. They were building an Atom Bomb in privacy. No man ever seen such thing, the greatest minds in the World worked on this project. Then on the Year 1945, they finish the project. They used this God like power to bomb Nagaskai and Himoshima. Japan, and the World had never saw something liked this, it in away changed the World. Japan surrounded and the war was over.
Road to Herald 5 FEB 2021 a las 5:48 a. m. 
Why is this haven't been spoken out yet? Well the simple answer is...well Anime is a new concept. It isn't until the internet, when Anime gotten a spike in popularity, infact looking at the charts, Anime isn't at it's peak yet. People haven't really realised it, because they're ethier too dumb to see any difference, or they don't trust the Government.

What do you mean, why they don't trust the Government? See, when you watch Anime, reality shifts around you. Girls looks more hot, culture is just exotic, and it's just looks like a beautiful place to live. But, because of that, people think that the Government is hiding more advanced engineering, and knowledge of ♥♥♥♥-Sapiens. I know right? ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ morons. You need to remember, these are not people, they're Brainwashed beyond comprehension. Infact, the Japanese Government is doing all of this.
Road to Herald 5 FEB 2021 a las 5:48 a. m. 
Okay, so, I have been reasearching Anime and weebs for 17 years at this point, and I came to the conclusion why we should kill all weebs right now, before it's too late.

You know there are over 4.2 billion users on the Internet. That's...over half the population of Earth! And 25% of users are weebs. If you don't know how big it is, well, it would be the 3rd most populated Country in the World. You must think, why is Anime is bad? Well, people intelligence are decreasing, because of Anime. You know per decade, an average person's IQ drops by 3 points. It's strange how it only started when Anime was starting to get popular. If this continues, Technology will slow down, and advancement in Society will rapidly slow down.
Raxadore 5 FEB 2021 a las 12:07 a. m. 
u r degenerate
Nosk 8 NOV 2017 a las 12:56 a. m. 
Road to Herald 15 JUL 2017 a las 7:00 a. m. 
well, i was looking down at my girlfriends comments on steam and i saw yours, well, being her boyfriend, i ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ would not like this sort of comments or mesaging to continue as it has been 5 years in total since we started this great relationship and if there is any chance that u can ♥♥♥♥ this up, i will try to stop it, like anyother guy would do, i hope u can understand and don't ever ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ do this again. thank you for reading this and i pray that you take this in consideration. even though u may be a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ nice guy and ♥♥♥♥, i don't want to risk it so leave her alone u pric. I dodn't except such flith from u, i have played against u may times and u haev been a vallient opponent, but don't loose as this respect i have for u because of your stupid sexual desires, and if u hurt her, the internet will hurt u, cya, and have fun pric

Bibi Stan 1 MAY 2016 a las 6:17 a. m. 
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eat pant 22 MAY 2015 a las 10:31 p. m. 
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1 Highlight the text^

2 Press Ctrl+F

3 Press 9
BIG MAURICE 12 SEP 2014 a las 11:05 p. m. 
BykleButtDngrmn 10 JUL 2014 a las 11:27 p. m. 
BOTBOT 17 JUN 2014 a las 11:30 p. m. 
(V) (;,,,;) (V)

its zoidberg
BOTBOT 11 SEP 2013 a las 3:50 a. m. 
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BOTBOT 5 JUL 2013 a las 1:44 a. m. 
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BOTBOT 24 JUN 2013 a las 1:25 a. m. 