Beetlejuice once told me
I’m a Jewish vegan trans-autistic postgender transgender transsexual transdimensional multisouled dragonkin athiest anarcho-communist deconstructivist pufferfish-kin biofluid furry brony fith-wave-ecofeminist muslim trans-racial exo-otherkin, who identifies as a trans-fedora who has depression, anxiety, down syndrome, trans-autism, gender identity disorder, schizophrenia, ADHD, ADD, HIV and BBC. Xi am triggered by the color teal. On top of that Xi am a gender-bender demi-queer, multisouled, polyneurodysmorphic, quasi-persyn, mathematical-entity sexual, non-trans-soluble-in-water, void identified and a spiderman fetishist.
My preferred pronouns are xe, xi,xo and xum and I kill cis scum. After reading all this zou still do not know xe, as just a very short list of the 1% of pronouns that the patriarchal society has assigned to xe as a part of their systematic oppression of all xindividuals (or multiple identifying entities or voids) who do not fit the “prefect and normal” stereotype of a heteronormative genderbinary cis white-privileged human-identifying Christian male who identifies as possessing only one mind, which Xi entirely defy, redefining cultural norms and deconstructing archaic systems. Further more, I am a womyn of color, trans-similar to “Rosa Parks”, hear xe roar. When Xi protest on the streets, Xi feel (feelings are fact) that I am re-living (or trans-re-dying) the horrors faced by xelle under the oppressive apartheid every time someone criticisms
MrHUNT?R 11 października 2023 o 12:21 
have an offer for ya, added mate.
76561199488815449 Blokada handlu 9 października 2023 o 6:49 
lets make a deal
Drave 28 września 2023 o 11:18 
they wanna eat me
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Head Hunter 11 czerwca 2021 o 18:05 
+rep very fat guy
Me1ster 22 października 2020 o 14:25 
-rep fat
ulsoi 11 października 2020 o 16:45 
good player :OkaySir: