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Please be aware that i am a huge fan of the fallout franchise but here is my view on the last DLC of fallout 4.

In my opinion this is a great way to wrap up fallout 4 in general, i'm not going to lie but this is the best DLC they have released (for fallout 4) so far. It's just a shame it's their last.
The DLC itself has a tonne of variety and the zones offer a different story and experience. Solid characters, backgrounds and the terminal entries in general give this DLC a feeling that could only be achieved by the older fallouts. In my opinion it's worth it.

So now for the bad part, i only have a few problems with this DLC and i have informally dubbed it fallout 4 - reskin world. Most of the "new" NPC use old dialogue and sadly most of the "new" enimies are just reskinned monsters from the base game. In fact if you walk around nuka world with a fine tooth comb you can find tonnes of examples of this.
The raider factions offer your generic quests of "go here, kill this" but other than the points i highlighted i didn't really have an issue with this DLC, the landmass may be smaller than far harbour but there is far more content.

This was all my personal opinion, you can disagree with me if you would like, you're all entiled to your own opinions <3.
Опубликовано 30 августа 2016 г..
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46.6 ч. всего (33.8 ч. в момент написания)
It's a good game and everything but, i don't think the developers have any idea what Physics is. So if you like shooting and throwing grenades through walls, roofs, stairs and pretty much anything - this is the game for you!
Опубликовано 15 февраля 2016 г..
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488.6 ч. всего (173.3 ч. в момент написания)
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The devs seem to make promises they cannot keep. This game is an absolute joke, every update seems to make the game worse, even with the new (Over hyped) 0.60 update. The fact is that i would rather rub my testicals with a cheese grater than spend anymore of my time playing this "game".

Serious Opinion

So i bought this game shortly after the release and much like most of you, i was a MOD player, i enjoyed the mod, it was simply perfect however this game is something entirely different (worse) then the mod. There are so many other titles by smaller companies which put this game to shame. The devs spend most of their time adding more fuel to the fire that are the bugs, the terrible looting system, the terrible performance and of course the hackers. They add more loot, more features without fixing any of the base bugs, exploits and glitches. It's just stupid.
Опубликовано 22 февраля 2015 г.. Отредактировано 17 июня 2016 г..
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