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Diposting: 8 Jun 2024 @ 11:21am
Diperbarui: 8 Jun 2024 @ 11:24am

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This is not a structured review. As you can see I have just about 3 thousand hours in this game. A player once said in game "we all play this game in hopes one day it will be good". Those words rung true then and are still valid to this day.
I watched a "Josh Strife Hayes" video long ago and then again recently regarding New World. Most of the topics he brought up are still true today, 3 YEARS LATER!

I gave up on this game shortly after the release of the lacking content excuse for an expansion: Rise of the Angry Earth. The storytelling is horrible both in the vanilla game AND in the expansion. They lazily use real world mythology and history and amalgamate it into the game and it just doesn't blend very well. It feels like they wanted to integrate these things just because, but implemented them in a way that is just SLOPPY.

As with most MMO games, New World doesn't really start until you hit cap level. Sure you can join in the zergs for chests and PVP but you will be hugely at a determent. They could have broke this trend with scaling for PVP at least for the open world. Could have had a ranked mode where gear was factored. Think Destiny and it's PVP vs Iron Banner modes.

The devs treat ECR (elite chest run, it's this horribly boring zerg of players that go from one elite area to the next obtaining unearned free loot by zerging down bosses that were meant for 5-10 players just pressing E on every elite chest. It is mind-numbingly boring activity but is the quickest form of progression to increase watermark (think Light levels, again from Destiny), I forget why it's still done to this day, free loot I guess) as if it was an intended design choice, it was BORN OUT OF NECESSITY NOT BECAUSE IT'S FUN OR INTERESTING! It could be turned into instanced content for 5-10 players. Yet another AGS fail.

Stay away from this game! Amazon should cut their losses and retire this game. I'm sure it's a money pit that will never see a return.

PS: Where is Throne & Liberty and Blue Protocol? If AGS dropped the failure that is New World these two games could have been transferred to the West already...
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