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发布于:2022 年 12 月 18 日 上午 2:32
更新于:2 月 20 日 上午 5:21

Editing this review cause it was a whole lot of "this is what I wanted from such-and-such" as well as a stupid list of pros and cons. That's a reductive way of looking at a game that hovers around my top 10, maybe even top 5 favourite games of all time. It has a wonderful message, it's vibrant and silly, and it reawakened my love for indie games. Indie games are often short but focused little games with touching, personal stories and Lil Gator Game is the spearhead of that idea, or at least it is to me and my experience with indie games, anyway.

Heck, I had to move house last year and I don't really have room for most of my plushies anymore, but Lil Critter (as I called them in my save file) always has a spot next to my monitor. If there are no Lil Gator Game fans left then I am dead
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