Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 68
0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 3.8 год. загалом
Додано: 12 трав. 2024 о 14:20
Оновлено: 12 трав. 2024 о 14:22

I bought this on a whim.

I've never been so grateful for 2AM whimsy and impulse-spending, to be honest, as this sort of title is not something I'd normally ever touch (I'm not a horror fan), but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. This is pure gold.

To preface, if you're on the fence about this game and doomscrolling the reviews, hi there! This game is more a wild, cosmic romance story than it is a horror game, and if you're not much for horror you can definitely avoid some of the horror-themed endings and story branches by using a guide (I didn't really find the wiki guides to be too spoilery which was nice). The Princess is such an amazing ever-changing and morphing character, altering herself based on your actions. Your inner dialogues change too which is great, and often humorous as they banter over your decisions.

At the end of the story, true to what a lot of the other reviews say, I was left sitting there and thinking. I had a hard time sleeping that night. Thought about it at work the next day. There are sprinklings throughout of deep, thought-provoking things about mortality, relationships, perspectives and themes like trust and relationship fallout.

Kudos to the voice acting, it's phenomenal. The Adversary and The Thorn have my whole heart.

TL;DR This story really grows on you and hooks you in, what all story games should do. Worth full price. 10/10 would get stabbed and punched to death by princesses again.
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