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Ulasan terkini oleh FunnyGuppyGaming

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Frankly, it's really on the edge for me, but I have to go with my experience playing the game with my recommendation. I've been extremely keen for this project ever since I first learned about it, and I still am really excited to see it improve, but this is just not it for me as of yet. I really appreciate the time and effort put into the game - the art and design especially - it's incredible.

However, there are some things that just kind of ruin it for me.

First of all
Of course, I have to mention the water system. It's just frankly a horrible system to implement for a game like this, because FunDog are going about their objective of "Making you feel anxiety and excitement every time you think about the game" in COMPLETELY the wrong way.

The current implementation of the water system doesn't create the intrepid, excited, restless feeling they want it to. It creates the "deadline for work" ANXIETY, which will just cause many people to stop playing. "You only have x amount of time left to boot the game and do a quest or you'll lose hours upon hours of progress!" not "I really want to play, hopefully I can find a good amount of water and loot this session!" - It's fine if you still lose your stash when you run out of water, but make it tied to in-game time. Not IRL time.

The game is extremely unpolished - which is FINE - I KNOW it's early access - but there are issues that made it barely playable for me.
- Chiefly, enemies spawning in AS I arrive next to them- instantly f***ing me as I have nowhere to go to avoid them - IF they don't instantly aggro and kill me, as happened TWICE with two different mechs that both spawned in and killed me with one shot from their main cannons on two different parts of the same map.
You may think I'm just being salty, but I've been unable to complete the second quest - or even just leave with loot - because of this specific reason. I've had a fleet worth of drones, combat squads, mechs, helicopters, zombies - even a tank - spawn in out of nowhere directly next to me in every single raid I've played. I REALLY don't want to let this ruin it for me, but when I am literally unable to exit the map due to enemies appearing on top of me every time I even consider extracting, I'm really struggling to play through it. Oh, and because I can't progress - and haven't been able to find and get out with water - I'll likely lose the very small loot stash I have.

- The sound also somewhat often breaks, enemies making no sound when they really should be, making it sometimes a really difficult task to sneak around.
- The framerate is horribly choppy even off of max settings - 3070ti, 5700X, 16GB. Again, this is early access stuff.
- There's other minor things like the animations of the ai breaking - they sometimes even teleport small distances. Again easy fix before launch.
- The AI pathing is kind of wonky, frankly, but the general backbone of what is advertised on the "Level of threat" aggro system is there, even if it is not quite done yet- all expected for an early access game

- Not being able to switch the camera shoulder, general lack of an EFFECTIVE tutorial, and a somewhat un-oiled control system - no camera independence at all while sprinting included - make the game feel very clunky.

The positives
The design is obviously incredible. The world, art, friendlies, enemies, and atmosphere - not to mention the sound - are all incredible.

Moments during my relatively short gameplay really stood out to me as glimmers of what this game can - and I genuinely hope WILL - grow into. They're below if you want to read them.

These both happened during my attempts to complete the first "explore and extract" mission. I was crossing over a field to the edge of a compound when I saw a soldier right in front of me, so I ducked behind a wall. Just as I went to flank 'round him he got blasted by a very large gun. Upon investigation, he'd been killed by a turret in the compound he was scouting. As I was looting the soldier I heard a noise. Zombies began shambling past me. The turret targeting the soldier and shooting had actually triggered a major attack from multiple groups of soldiers and cyberman-zombie things, and they began swarming into the compound, all running in towards the gun as drones began shooting from nearby. I got spooked, and cowered down in a corner next to the body I'd just been looting, as at least a dozen enemies swarmed past me into the compound - with dozens more further from me, ignoring me completely.

This left me anxious and completely elated at what'd just happened, as I felt unbelievably lucky to have survived the encounter, remembering all of the material i'd seen on how the enemies prioritise their targeting, and feeling excited that I could actually see the system in action like that. That moment gave me that feeling of excited trepidation that the devs want.

That being said, I then - almost immediately after - got killed in a single cannon shot by a mech that appeared next to me with no sound at all - as mentioned earlier - which sort of broke that moment of wonder.

- Another thing that happened was right off spawn. There was a tank and a group of foot soldiers directly next to my spawn, and I watched them to see how they'd act. The tank drove off up a small hill leaving the soldiers behind. As the tank crested the hill it came under fire, almost instantly being destroyed by something on the other side, leaving nothing but a shell behind wreathed in billowing flames. as I went to investigate, the group of soldiers simultaneously did the same, running up the open hill parallel across from me. I was slightly ahead of them, coming in line with the burning tank carcass, as two more tanks from the opposing nation came into view. As I watched, the soldiers ran between myself and the flaming tank in a way that could only be described as cinematic, the flames lighting up their outlines like a scene from a Kubrick film. The soldiers then engaged the tanks and enemy forces beyond the crest of the hill, and as they did I made a break for it across to the tank.

This and moments like it are the moments that the sound - and visual - design REALLY shone to me. As I ran across that field, the bullets from the opposing side began to fly back at those soldiers - flying just over my head as I ran mere metres behind them, the tracers igniting the air above me with light and cracking, whistling sounds, making my heart pump and my head nearly involuntarily duck at my desk. I kept running past them, confident that I wasn't enough of a threat for any of the enemies present to target me over each other. I made it to the tank, keeping the soldiers withing my sight so as to time my exit if need be- not wanting to be caught by the enemy push upon their deaths. I finished looting the tank for weapon parts, and with my new prize in my pack I scurried back across the open field for the scant cover of the pylon I'd been cowering behind before my initial reckless dash - one that now seemed suddenly further than initially estimated.

Just as I left the combusting corpse of the freshly looted tank, as I passed back behind the soldiers who'd essentially served as my cover for the scramble to reach the tank, I found that only one remained. Not just that, but right before I actually passed by, he dropped dead beneath the hail of enemy bullets. Suddenly, I felt significantly more exposed than I had anticipated. I kept running. In my flight back to cover, I had a constant expectation of being set upon by cyber-zombies, for one of the tanks to spot me and fire it's cannon, or small arms fire from an enemy squad. However, even as I reached my cover, none came.

This is maybe a feeling completely unique to this game - to this ai design model - and that's why I'm so excited for the future of the game. I hope it continues to be worked on and improved, at which point I'll change my review
Diposting pada 26 September 2024. Terakhir diedit pada 28 September 2024.
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I can't bloody well believe that a problem that existed back in 2017 is still a problem now. "Starting the game or battleye has failed". That sound familiar to any of you stupid shmucks over at battleye/Bohemia? Cuz it should do! It's still a problem! I have literally not played the game for on single solitary minute, even though I bought it 5-6 months ago! All because IT WON'T LET ME PLAY!! I HAVE NEVER USED ANY FORM OF CHEAT IN ANY GAME. I HAVE NEVER USED ANY MODS FOR THIS! I HAVE NEVER HAD THIS PROBLEM WITH ARMA 2! IN FACT, I HAVEN'T HAD IT WITH ANY OTHER GAME EVER! ABSOLUTE INCOMPETENCE! THE ONLY FIX I COULD FIND WOULD BE TO USE AN UNOFFICIAL LAUNCHER! AND GOD KNOWS WHAT'LL HAPPEN IF I DO THAT.
Diposting pada 29 Maret 2020.
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