Juuh   United States Virgin Islands

ShënpaiSLAV,: damn
ShënpaiSLAV,: a real trash if you said ez this game
*DEAD* ⒶⓁⒾⒸⒾⓊ™‎ : get cancer and die
9aboon Mal Jibs : "top diff"
9aboon Mal Jibs : **** yorick
9aboon Mal Jibs : you didnt do ****
ÀPE IRL{L9}!: yes
ÀPE IRL{L9}!: i love dogs
ÀPE IRL{L9}!: yes
Sibryc left the lobby
ÀPE IRL{L9}!: eune dogs especially
Kilimaro : ez report
The Kayleach Kάyle: malphite=delusional xD
MaGGe022 Soini: kayle=bad
*DEAD* fx_herbatnik_nzq‎ : ez dogs
lil czajnik : go to the doctor
lil czajnik : please
PaskaKulhoÖHH: XDDD
Zdzisiek Opona : you cant help bubblehead kids
Zdzisiek Opona : water in head is dangerous
PaskaKulhoÖHH: bro
MrLucif3r : and ??
MrLucif3r : and ???
ColorKid : jhin sucked balls
ColorKid : rofl
Dani1120 : and you speak about top diff?
RΔtζΘQBAĆK: 9x ahri
Shushi joined the lobby
RΔtζΘQBAĆK: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bronze noob
Grosik na turbie : checkvision score
Grosik na turbie : ♥♥♥♥♥♥
NilkkaNimaRÖLLI: yes
NilkkaNimaRÖLLI: i had more vision score
Grosik na turbie : CONGRATS
Asian Teemo?•••?: you dog
Hi im Koster left the lobby
Vea7 left the lobby
UnshackIed Réve: you are the dog here
UnshackIed Réve: with your calls
Asian Teemo?•••?: of course
PedroKostam : ornn
PedroKostam : congratualtions
PedroKostam : you bested a silver
PedroKostam : xDDD
D0N PEPERIN07-1-3: this kayle won xd
D0N PEPERIN07-1-3: insecure cringe kid
ssNdJÄÄN: ?
KETOZJEBqq~~: disgusting
KETOZJEBqq~~: game
y0Io : jebac cie udyr
Staniossek Dzb4n: what a tryhards on normal xd
xChilu : medium tutorial
xChilu left the lobby
Euneroni left the lobby
HermeettinenHugo Soini: you mum is medium
HermeettinenHugo Soini: at sex
HermeettinenHugo Soini: :D
HermeettinenHugo Soini: :D
HermeettinenHugo Soini: :d
HermeettinenHugo Soini: :D
HermeettinenHugo Soini: d.D.
Poroly : you are a funny guy
iNorman : but her mum is a male
iNorman : are you sure?
Poroly : i like you
Dopamine Fiend : good one guys!
Dopamine Fiend : nice game!
Dopamine Fiend : was a pleasure!
Darcigh v2 left the lobby
MyrkkyMarkus Soini: !
Dopamine Fiend : hope we can run it back!
RosvoRobinÖHH: ez
Työvoimatoimisto foøod: galio sweating irl lmao
RosvoRobin ÖHH: suomivihu
RosvoRobin ÖHH: ilmanen
Työvoimatoimistofoøod: ihme ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ :DD:
We need a WWIII rNSQD: my man if i could use those three special letters together
We need a WWIII rNSQD: you know
We need a WWIII rNSQD: k
Hi im Michal xO left the lobby
We need a WWIII rNSQD : and y and s
We need a WWIII rNSQD : i would
frtgarb: wp jhin
Smail: rengar flaming me for defending yorick bot lane
Smail: nice
BurningThing41 left the lobby
frtgarb: hardstuck
frtgarb: p1
Smail: how can you flame me for defending a yorick bot lane
frtgarb: wp
: URE DUMB malf?
: what top diff?
: your bot have 10-0
: yuumi I know u think u are good
: but the moment u dreaft yuumi with kalista
: ur opinion stops mattering
: instantly
: i play with total monkeys
: mad?
: mad0
: ez
Witold Śrut4 #EUNE left the lobby
Targon4 #EUNE left the lobby
: women repelent
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49 hrs on record
last played on 15 Jan
1,025 hrs on record
last played on 15 Jan
309 hrs on record
last played on 14 Jan
Pookie 23 Dec, 2022 @ 3:55pm 
Voiks olla mun simp, Maksuna toimii se et saat viettää mun kaa aikaa? Tai sit 2 euroo, tarviin kato simpin:pgms_2_rui:
Ilpo001 21 Nov, 2019 @ 7:16am 
Mulla ois myynnissä 3k arvoinen japanilainen katana. Alkuperäinen ostokuitti tallella, josta käy ilmi hinta.

Missä tämä kannattais myydä?

Jos ei mene kaupaksi, aion teroittaa tästä itselleni käyttökatanan. Valitettavasti kaikki arvo katoaa kun amatööri lähtee muuttamaan terän geometriaa, mutta minkäs teet, en aio pitää itselläni katanaa josta en joko saa masseja ulos tai hyvää itsepuolustuslelua.
Boomba 11 Feb, 2018 @ 11:37am 
───▄▄██▌█ Ajateltiin rapen ja ripan kans tuoda sulle näin
▄▄▄▌▐██▌█ joulun kunniaks rekallinen paskaa.
redd cortez 12 Feb, 2017 @ 11:49am 
So, this is my life story

Today i woke up at 3am, because there was blue drawfs making nuclear missiles for Soviet Union. Saddly they didnt know that USSR didnt exist anymore, so i told them. One of them got really mad and blamed me of treason and lying. Then they all attacked me so i had to kill one of them and they backed off. Now im inside my closit eating the one i killed, because im hungry af. Luckily they backed off and are not coming back soon, but what should i do? Also nudes are really appreciated
Liamjohnnya 12 Feb, 2017 @ 11:19am 
So, this is my life story

Today i woke up at 3am, because there was blue drawfs making nuclear missiles for Soviet Union. Saddly they didnt know that USSR didnt exist anymore, so i told them. One of them got really mad and blamed me of treason and lying. Then they all attacked me so i had to kill one of them and they backed off. Now im inside my closit eating the one i killed, because im hungry af. Luckily they backed off and are not coming back soon, but what should i do? Also nudes are really appreciated
boi 1 Nov, 2016 @ 3:52pm 
Moi, mun 6v poikani on sun Minecraft videoiden suuri fani. Hän on nyt kärttänyt mua jättämään sulle viestiä että josko mitenkään voisit näyttää miten rakennetaan suuri farmitalo jossa on kissoja, hevosia, lehmiä ja possuja. Ja tietysti kanala...
Waltteri haluaa vielä lähettää omin sanoin viestin; " Ihailen sinun videoitasi , olet mahtava!