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Đăng ngày: 1 Thg02 @ 11:45pm

The moment 🕖 man 👨‍🦳 devoured the fruit 🍉 of knowledge 📚, he 👨 sealed 🙅🏻‍♀️ his 👋 fate ✨... Entrusting his 👋 future 📡 to the cards 💳, man 👨‍🦳 clings 💪👅 to a dim 🔅 hope 🙏. Yes 💀, the arcana is the means 😏 by which all 😷 is revealed. Attaining ones ☝, dream 😴💤 requires 😷 and stern will and unfailing determination ✊. The arcana is the means 😏 by which all 💯 is revealed. The silent 🤫 voice 😃🔊📢 within 🤞👏 ones ☝ heart ❤ whispers 🤫 the most profound wisdom. The arcana is the means 🤔 by which all 💯 is revealed. Celebrate 🎉 life 👤 grandeur, it's brilliance 🔴, it's magnificence 🤩. The arcana is the means 😏 by which all 😷 is revealed. Only Courage 🧡 in face 😀 doubt 🤷🙍🏻 can lead 🧶🐶 one ☝ to the answer ✅. The arcana is the means 😏 by which all 💯 is revealed. It is indeed 💯😂 a precious 🥺 gift 🎁 to understand 🤔 the forces 🔫 that guide 😳😍👌🏼 oneself. The arcana is the means 😏 by which all 💯 is revealed. There is both joy 😂 and wonder 🤔 in coming 🚶 to understand 🙋‍♀️💁‍♀️💆‍♀️ another 2️⃣. The arcana is the means 😏 by which all 💯 is revealed. One 1️⃣ of life's greatest 🏅 blessing 🙌🏻🌧 is the freedom 🎊🕊 to pursue one's ☝ goal 💕💦😫. The arcana is the means 😏 by which all 💯 is revealed. To find 🔍 the one 1️⃣ true 💯 path 🧕 one ☝ must 💯 seek 👀 guidence admist uncertainty. The arcana is the means 😏 by which all 😷 is revealed. It requires 😷 great 😁👍 courage 🧡 to look 👀 and oneself honestly 😇 and forge 🔨 your 👉 one's 1️⃣ path 🧕. The arcana is the means 😏 by which all 💯 is revealed. Alongside 👬 time ⌛ exist 💁 fate ✨, the bearer 🐻 of cruelty. The arcana is the means 😏 by which all 💯 is revealed. Only with strength 💪 can one 1️⃣ endure 🥵 suffering 👺 and torment. The arcana is the means 😏 by which all 💯 is revealed. In the face 👧 of disaster 😱 lies 🤥 opportunity for renewal. The moment 🕖 man 👨‍🦳 devoured the fruit 🍒 of knowledge 😳🎓👨‍🎓, he 👨 sealed 🙅🏻‍♀️ his 💦 fate 💜... Entrusting his 💦 future 📡 to the cards 💳, man 👨 clings 💪👅 to a dim 🔅 hope 🙏🏻. Yet 😏 arcana is the means 😏 by which all 💯 is revealed. Beyond 👆 the Beaten 👊💪 Path 🧕 lies 🤫 the absolute 💯👌 end 🔚. It matters 🙅 not who you 👈 are, Death 💀 awaits you 👈.
Đánh giá này có hữu ích? Không Hài hước Giải thưởng
9 bình luận
squeegemeister 3 Thg07 @ 7:48am 
When you took your Vyvanse but didn't do your homework :steamhappy:
aavuo 9 Thg03 @ 1:01pm 
my level 99 koromaru=
Gabi 14 Thg02 @ 9:00pm 
she arcana on my means till i by which all is revealed
Combat Carl 12 Thg02 @ 9:37am 
The arcana is the means by which all is revealed. :p3p_attention:
Bishop 4 Thg02 @ 8:32am 
You need a real hobby or to see a therapist.
garlic 2 Thg02 @ 8:13pm 
mental illness
Musclebob Buffpants 2 Thg02 @ 3:12pm 
My eyes have cancer now.
swoi 2 Thg02 @ 12:13pm 
The arcana is the means by which all is revealed :csgogun::WhiteWolfInterset:
The_Toasty_Nacho 2 Thg02 @ 11:52am 
Nyx-Sama dont hurt me