Life is only temporary.

: ^ )

Suicide fixes all problems for you permanently.

--------------------------------- 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗔𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 ------------------------------
Nosgoth---> Top 50 in the world (players, no team)

Chivalry 2---> 137 times in a ROW being top 3 in 20v20 player mode. (Pit map not counted)..

Rainbow Six siege---> Diamond (Solo) EU (Old rank).
+ Level 278.

Panzar---> Two times 1st place, one time 2nd and 3rd. EU Tournaments.

PUBG---> Top 500 EU (When the game had fewer servers).

League of Legends---> Diamond2 EU (S:8) and top 3 Nunu in world.
+ Level +350.... Main champ Shaco New Level 29 (+340k Mastery points).
+ Total Mastery Level 787.
+ 116 Skins. 44 Chromas.
+ Honor Level 5.
+ (OLD). Total Mastery Score 592. 19 champs level 7. 14 champs level 6. 26 champs level 5

FrankenStorm TD: Prologue---> 23rd place in the whole game. So basically 23rd place in the world..? 124 Waves.

Rogue Company---> EU S1-S3. Rogue 414-571 Points. (Hit Rogue by doing Solo Q only everytime).
+ Level 244.

The Culling---> 11 wins in row EU

Heroes of the storm---> EU (Old ranked) Rank 1 / (New ranked) Master 3729 points when game wasn't dead Solo Q only.
+ Level 1411
+ (3,5 MVP raiting) 1/4 games getting MVP with +1440 games in ARAM. Solo Q only.

Combat Arms---> Top 10 in clan wars.

Minion Masters---> Grand Master 52 (As solo in team rank) / Master 1 Solo rank.

Apex Legends---> Diamond 3 EU

Battlerite---> Diamond 2 EU (When it was popular)

Omega Strikers--> Diamond (EU).

Phasmophobia---> Fastest Investigtion time 2min 25s. 3 players, difficutly Professional. Map = Maple Lodge Campsite.
+ +1000 time I hooped a basketball without cheap shots... Sadly the counter reset. (T_T)

Path of Exile---> 5h 44min Fresh SSF speedrun. All quests and lab. (Marauder) Patch: 3.08..?
+ 5h 42min Fresh SSF speedrun. all quests and lab. (Templar). Patch 3.22.
+ Oni-Goroshi in 3 hours. :D.
+ Endless Heist. 14th Saboteur, 45th shadow. Non meta build. While everybody Exsanguinate and Seismic Trap. First timing Sabo and traps. I spit on meta "Ptui".

Marvel Snap - Highest Omega 87/100 non-meta my made deck.
+ (0/100 to Diamond 61/100 in 2 and half days. First time playing the game).

Dead by Daylight---> Rank 1 killer and Rank 1 survivor multiple times.... Should this even be here?

BattleBit Remastered---> 7 KD. 6450 Kills and 784 deaths... Probably my max would be +10 KD but
I wanna enjoy the game and not sweat all the time, every game. (Playing more fun 27,3k kills 4,5k deaths. 6,0KD).
+ My best score. 108 Kills / 0 Deaths.
+ Heli pilot only. 93/2, 86/1 or (70/1 Died to an RPG and score was 1,3k vs 1k. Too lazy to wait new heli).
+ Sniper only. 60/5. (New 108/7).
+ Prestige 7 level +100.

Hearthstone---> Old Rank 9 / Arena 12/1 EU

Killing Floor 2---> Hell on Earth (hardest difficulty) solo as level 0.

Duolingo---> :D, Day streak 678... R.I.P.

Viscera Cleanup Detail Shadow Warrior---> Speedrun. Time 33:17 + 97% performance + all achievements.
--------------(And Some More What I Have Forgotten Or Accidental Deletion)--------------
Etalase Ilustrasi
Robin Williams advice.
5 1 1
Etalase Screenshot
Time to go.
Etalase Screenshot
Left behind.
Etalase Ilustrasi
Always humans.
2 1 1
一起来聊聊天 做暖
闺蜜无聊 有没有出来玩的
SÂYMYNÂME 2 Feb 2024 @ 5:19am 
Lonindess 31 Des 2023 @ 1:16pm 
@Müll Gott 13

30/26 mad that I have 71/2.

Camping with tank in one spot will give you max 60 kills (If it goes SUPER well).
If you wanna be good with tank you have to move. That I did.

Next time don't try to spawn camp my base. I will say hello. Then you start whining when you die because your spawn camping technique sucks.

The map was Outskirts. (It's a small map).
Picture of scoreboard and a map. Where I was and where he was.

I just came out of base and started clapping his cheecks.

Pro tip.
(Hate so called "campers"? Stop attacking first base of enemy team what is literally 100 meters away from base). Not in this map at least.

I was just defending.
Bananenbieger 13 30 Des 2023 @ 5:42am 
Plays like a rat, never saw someone camping this hard as a tank
Goku 26 Des 2023 @ 8:24am 
nice vac loser