
Streuner の最近のレビュー

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Just passed 1000 hours playing MCC! With that I write this review:
I thoroughly enjoy MCC and can recommend it to others strongly but with a caveat. Overall, it is one of my best games with greatest value for money.
My favorite part, and the best thing 343 did for Halo as a franchise, is the Custom Games Browser. Most of my time was spent there. I can relive my fondest childhood memories playing the best community Forge maps with custom infection game modes exactly the way they were since the 2000s+2010s.
My second favorite part of MCC is Coop Campaign, which work mostly fine with the exception of Halo 4. I have ran through the six stories with several groups of friends, more times than I can count.
With that said I love how Halo has given me a chance to build and strengthen friendships, for nearly two decades now.

MCC launched in a poor state with many bugs, some still not fixed after a decade since release. As of 2024, Halo 4 Coop Campaign with Spartan Ops and the prominence of Cheaters in Social+Competitive Matchmaking are the biggest issues with MCC as far as I know.
For the sake of completeness I would really like to play Halo 4 Coop with my friends. Also having at least some form of anticheat enforcement would keep people playing the game. Given how rich with content MCC is, it really does seem like wasted potential to see the game overrun with cheaters.
In conclusion, and despite its flaws, I greatly enjoy Halo MCC, am grateful to have it, and would recommend this game to other players!
投稿日 2024年9月24日.
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