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Évaluations récentes de Hrafninn Fjordur

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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
970.0 h en tout (338.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
It's a good game. That's just what it is. However, is it the advancement in "city building-technology" that we maybe hoped for? And compared to Cities Skylines 1? Well, no. The launch was a mess in terms of asset packs never releasing and the modding scene being severely delayed. Add that a lot of basic game mechanics seemed flawed or even non-existing and you get the idea.

Has the game been patched and improved over the last few months? Absolutely, and I have a blast playing it now that there are mods that make life easier. What's missing is custom assets, because CO still hasn't figured out why their asset importer is broken and not ready for release.

But it's a good game, and if you love building cities you will love this game, simple as.
Évaluation publiée le 16 juin 2024.
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Personne n'a trouvé cette évaluation utile
99.0 h en tout (96.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
Absolutely amazing game. This was a hit. Bought this not even a month ago at the time of writing, and I have already racked up 90 hours, somehow...

There are many other reviews that go through the ins and outs of the game, what's good and what's bad in detail. I'm not going to go into that much detail myself but if you like city builders in general, you will love this. The way you can customize many of the so called "masterpieces" to give the town a truly unique look, the modding support, the art style, the fact that roads are made by people simply walking on the same route multiple times (can be controlled somewhat with fencing and "forbidden areas to walk on-paint" if necessary)... It's such a well-made game and will give you many hours of enjoyment.

There are a few negatives, to be expected considering it's in early access. The people in your town will level up in their respective profession, but the levels do nothing at the moment. The resources are difficult to freight between markets and warehouses and whatnot when your town grows quite big. Sometimes the painted area you've painted where they're allowed to build houses isn't used effectively and leads to annoying "no space for housing available" (something like that anyway)... But these are minor things and don't take anything away from the game in itself, but it's worth pointing out that there are a few details still to iron out which can cause some frustration.

9/10 game, already one of my most played games on Steam and I can't wait to play it even more. Well done to the developers. Absolutely recommended.
Évaluation publiée le 7 avril 2022.
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