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Se afișează 1-7 din 7 intrări
GMOD Railroad addons united GRAU
Colecția lui SpectraStar
This is a pack containing my mods for my railroad server for friends of me, Spectra Star. i hope you enjoy the addons and more shall come over the next months
Gmod Railroads United, GRU
Colecția lui SpectraStar
This collection is a group of great mods and maps for railroading. If anyone has a train concept idea, they should post it to me on my steam page for it. This is for a friend of mine and other gmoders looking to do some railroading. Choo Choo everyone!
Stellar Fleet And planets collection
Colecția lui SpectraStar
This collection is all of the mods that i have been in love with. i don't own any of the mods and all mods listed in this pack are owned by their respected creators, if you have any comments, feel free to put them on this collection or on my home page. tha
Phoenix Shipyards Resreach, and Development of Ships and Stations
Colecția lui SpectraStar
Due to the War with the Lanterns, Phoenix had to make new sets of ships to combat them, their drake refit done by me was the first ship to come out, but that was ddestoryied, expect new ships on the way in the future,
Phoenix Shipyards Reasrch Divison
Colecția lui SpectraStar
this is for Phoenix Shipyards as i am a Reasurcher and along with the Main Phoenix lines, it just makes it better. i make improvments to Phoenix ships like the Drake and Wraith. all Ships are Credit to Dark Lord but i just make them better
The Cobalt Faction
Colecția lui SpectraStar
The cobalt race is the most agressive race in the galatic sector. they have stolen tech from phoenix shipyards and and caused an all out war.
Main and the Equestrain Alliance
Colecția lui SpectraStar
A Alliance for Equestria,Minecraft, and others coming together to explore strange new worlds acorss the rest of the Galaxy and beyond, check out the Phoenix reseach devition for more
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