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发布于:2015 年 3 月 31 日 下午 12:42
更新于:2016 年 11 月 24 日 上午 1:35

Since i've spent around 12 hours in this game, i think i can give a good review about this game.

At first i was a bit sceptical about this game, you must know that i don't really like FPS games. But the minute i started this game i was in love, because the gameplay is just so different than other FPS games, it's not just like shooting everything untill it's dead and that's the end of the game. There is just so much more than that. This game has such a good story line and one of the funniest plot-twist, in my opinion.

- Awesome gameplay.
- Awesome storyline.
- Good controls, not too crappy.
- Funny plot-twist.

- Sometimes the game is a bit annoying when you run out of ammo while you have to kill someone, so you die over and over again.
- Big daddys could be a pain in the ass to kill.
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2 条留言
BlackDragon 2015 年 4 月 7 日 上午 12:18 
Locked In 2015 年 4 月 6 日 下午 1:48 
Just use the grenade launcher on big daddies. 3 shots and boom, dead.