Arek (Arkadiusz)   Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie, Poland
If you think it’s natural for people to sacrifice their own lives to save others, surely you understand that sometimes a single death can save many lives.

We have no beginning. We have no end. We are infinite. Millions of years after your civilization has been eradicated and forgotten, we will endure.

Everything that has a beginning, has an end. I see the end coming.
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Archaica: The Path Of Light.
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11.2 Hours played
Bardzo dobra gra będąca analogią do tego, w jakim kierunku zmierza nasz świat. Korporacje, ciągła praca, coraz większe wymagania, rywalizacja i rozliczanie ze wszystkiego - to wszystko prowadzi do braku wolnego czasu, osamotnienia, braku znajomych i zagubienia sensu życia. Jednak nasz bohater powoli wyłamuje się z tego marazmu i jest to przedstawione w bardzo ciekawy sposób.
W kontekście całej gry rozumiem żart twórców odnośnie osiągnięć, które można zdobyć w grze. Nie z fabuły, a z ... no właśnie. Mamy gry polegające tylko na klikaniu, jak również gry typu "tylko dla osiągnięć", i to zostało świetnie zaimplementowane w grze. Sam zresztą wpadłem kiedyś w tą pułapkę. Nie wiem, czy zdecyduję się na zdobycie wszystkich osiągnięć, gdyż ... zresztą zobaczcie sami. Gorąco polecam!

A great game being an analogy to the direction in which our world is going. Corporations, constant work, increasing demands, competition and accountability for everything - all of that leads to loneliness, lack of free time, lack of friends and loss of the meaning of life. However, our hero slowly breaks out of this stagnation and it is presented in a very interesting way.
In the context of the game as a whole, I understand the creators' joke about the achievements that can be obtained in the game. Not from the plot, but from ... well. We have click-only games as well as achievement-only games, and that aspect was very well implemented in the game. I myself fell into this trap once. I don't know if I will decide to get all the achievements, because ... see for yourself. I highly recommend!
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S.T.A.R.S Leon S. K. 21 hours ago 
💗⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡔⠋⠀⢰⠎:rainfir::luckclover::lilyheart::cmwz:Wonderful WeekEND :ratsdiamond::cmwx::happyclover::rainsec:
💗⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 💗⠈⠙⠫⠿⠿⠿⠛⠋⠁💗:abutterfly::bfly::wl5butterfly:
Spring Cl🌞uds™ 11 Feb @ 1:38pm 
Hello there. I wishing for you to be one of best persons in this life by God. :happycloudy:
downlowtooslow 11 Feb @ 8:15am 
Congrats on your award! Thanks for being awesome :sparkly: :fh4trophy: :sparkly:
DerEider 10 Feb @ 12:05pm 
Congratulations upon your Well Deserved recognition, Arek :tga_trophy:
Ozzette78 10 Feb @ 10:25am 
Congratulations, Arek, on a well deserved award!!! :2018bestaward::UltimateStar::gonheart:
marianne~ 10 Feb @ 8:36am 
Your dedication has paid off.
Congratulations on your Award :medal2::medal2: