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Recent reviews by hydrocannibal

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1 person found this review helpful
180.3 hrs on record (74.9 hrs at review time)
The key to the game is to not get mad if you get mad youre cooked youre gonna never wanna play again so just go easy on youre self then move up farther up/ or harder like primal fear.
Posted 8 December, 2024.
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14 people found this review helpful
5.4 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
strong jump scares, play with louder volume than usual, headphones. dark room. alone.
let the kids play they scream at the top of their lungs its aweosme.

doesnt suck. not bad for 10 bux. (wouldnt pay much more tho).
Posted 26 May, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
11.7 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
brown shorts
Posted 17 December, 2023.
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706.7 hrs on record (689.5 hrs at review time)
I like cheese
Posted 19 July, 2023. Last edited 14 September, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
20.0 hrs on record (16.7 hrs at review time)
Excellent addition to the series. Story is awesome, graphics are incredible. Gameplay is challenging.

Its scary as sh*t if you have noise cancelling headphones, and you turn it up (enough to make it slightly uncomfortable when one of the creatures screams...)....in a dark room. Alone.

The scary is tasteful, and doesnt feel cheap.

Just buy the damn game already its badass.
Posted 6 July, 2022. Last edited 30 August, 2022.
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115.2 hrs on record (87.7 hrs at review time)
Dark, bloody, gnarly story, awesome gameplay. Just do yourself a favor and play it thru. I think the first one i found a little scarier as I had never played it before.

The game is well...ultra-violent (in a good way if your into that). The blood and gore is downright disgusting...(I love it)....piles of bodies, severed limbs everywhere, creatures of all different shapes and sizes sure to scare the caca out you.

The story and characters are disturbing / disturbed as well.......id play the first one (which is just as good) so you can get a feel for the story and whats going on, but its not completely necessary, oh but its worth it....yes it is....mmhhmmmm

<-----38 yr ol' gamer ;) played all the RE series since i was a kid......i put my OG Stamp of approval on this.

i can only show you the door, you....must walk thru it...take the red pill.... and see how deep the rabbit hole goes

EDIT: Best played alone, in dark room... with headphones w/ spacial surround.......keep extra shorts nearby
Posted 31 January, 2021. Last edited 15 May, 2023.
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29.7 hrs on record (28.7 hrs at review time)
First game i played after upgrading my PC finally. Nothing short of amazing, graphically and story. Dude, the story.....just...dude.

The main character is easy to dig and her story draws you in to relate with her in the struggles. The combat is fun and satisfying and the darkness is mezmerizing.
Posted 31 January, 2021.
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382.4 hrs on record (21.4 hrs at review time)
just play it already
Posted 31 January, 2021. Last edited 22 June, 2022.
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1.8 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game is pretty cool, my kid loves it with the xbox 360 controller hooked up.
I can play on the same PC with him 2 players if I use another controller or keyboard.
The invite a friend feature doesnt work to play on LAN yet, tho maybe im doing it wrong.
Its pretty funny too watching the little blob creatures beat the crap out of each other and grapple.....one copy is good enough ;)
Posted 24 September, 2017.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries