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投稿日: 2017年3月11日 15時02分

Even though Valve doesn't give a ♥♥♥♥ about this game anymore, except for the 16 people working on this game, it's really great for it's age. With my 4k+ hours, I can tell you guys, that it is worth to invest your time & effort into this game. The community might be a little toxic, but that's nothing compared to other games like LoL, Battlefield, CS:GO and so on. Every mercenary has his own personality. You have the Medic, that ol' psycho. The sniper with his sexy australian accent, the one eyed, scottish, black man, who's always drunk. (Not racist, fam. <3) and so on. If you never played TF2, get some friends and play it with them, it's such a great game with friends. And don't fear to use voice chat ingame, even if you're shy, it always helps your team if you give them more intel. Well, I hope this review actually does something and gets peeps to play this game, so that Valve finally starts giving a ♥♥♥♥ about this game. Oh and, side note. It actually is worth to spend money on it for hats, weapons, keys, etc. Helps the development, you know?
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10 件のコメント
Anna Müller 2024年10月10日 1時49分 
Dang, your review tho! It's packed with so much good stuff. I could never write like that. You're incredible! 🤩👌
CAWAgentNiko 2017年3月30日 16時19分 
honestly every time valve puts out a new update it ends up adding nothing but some bug fixes and hats, and hats are completely useless. i just want them to focus on the pyro update, instead of figuring out which new hats to add to the game. honestly the game is just a clusterfuck, still fun, but balance is all over the fucking place, too many useless weapons sitting in backpacks or being turned to scrap. I just want the dev team to put their love for the game in the right places, as small as they are. please guys make tf2 great again, cuz overwatch probably will if you dont step on the gas pedal soon.
Exploding Chickens 2017年3月23日 12時35分 
I hate ignorant people
Cat Enjoyer 2017年3月18日 3時18分 
+Pyro Update when XD Valve does care for the game, if they didn't they wouldn't make such great updates. They are the developers of the game, they are commited to supporting and growing TF2 with new features, content, and player experiences. They are the fucking devs and devs should do that.
Cat Enjoyer 2017年3月18日 3時11分 
Because not showing me how I am stupid and ignorant makes you way more intelligent, right? You are literally the definition of ignorant, lol.
89night 2017年3月17日 6時58分 
+Homeless You are a perfect example of both ignorance and stupidity. It's quite amusing :-}
get krissed 2017年3月16日 1時16分 
Still appreciate it. Thanks man.
89night 2017年3月16日 1時11分 
Nice review ( I'm hesitant to say "awesome" since the word seems a bit over expressive). :Burn:
spektral 2017年3月15日 3時02分 
I mean Good quality updates
spektral 2017年3月15日 3時00分 
I Like this review, I think the reason why people don't want to play the game that much anymore is because of overwatch or other games, people do get abit sick of the game after 10 years... but that doesn't mean the game is horrible, it is actually getting more new players which is good! Because the new players will learn alot about this game, and us pros can teach/coach them. I think valve needs to employ more people for Team Fortress 2, because I don't think 16 people will be enough to run the game back on it's feet again, but hey, I'm not a professional, so I think they could have the strength to make great huge updates.