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Publisert: 7. apr. 2015 kl. 22.34

the fat bear spooked me too hard
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5 kommentarer
DJ Cloaker 7. jan. 2018 kl. 0.48 
well then I have one thing to say to you....
DON'T GO ON THE INTERNET I WARN YOU. I have seen it and holy #### did the community went so dark and creepy.
Wameme 8. mai 2015 kl. 2.52 
2 words wrong answer
Uncle Grandpa (uncle/grandpa) 9. apr. 2015 kl. 17.17 
@LucariOwned Its Not Scary at al... 0/10 and 0/5 and 0/1 Scary Jumpscare game...Minecraft is actully betr then this shite and mistake 2 com out on steam... Steam sucks now becz... U KNOW ANSWER!!!!!!11!! BECZ FNAF HAD 2 COM OUT AND ThEN RUIN MY LIFE!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!11 ;- Y SCOT ... Y DID U HAV 2 ADD TIS UNSCRY, WORST JUMPSCAR,HYPNOTIESING, OVERATD,FANS WIL BE COPYIN TH NAME OF ANIMATRoNiCS AND THiNK THER ACTULY THE REL 1(Well it happens on utub4 commonly) Scott is 1 of those devils who broght a horible game from under so dat gam wil ruin the peple who dont lik it... AND DAT SHOLD BE EVRY1 IN THE WORLD HATIN THE GAME , BUT NO THEY JUST HAD 2 LET THERSELFS GIT HYPNOTIESD BY THIS ... THIS MISTAKE OF A GAME!!!!11!!1! YAH ITS DEFINTLY A HORROR GAME... A HORRORIBLE GAME!!!!!!!!!! And i hope that u dont like fnaf or ur 1 of these Hypnotiesd peple that used 2 be normal peps...plz tell me ur not Hypnotiesd by the worst game ever in existinc ;-; not opionion it true
Uncle Grandpa (uncle/grandpa) 9. apr. 2015 kl. 16.33 
( ง͡° ᴥ͡°)ง Wana go Fatbear? ill giv'yah the pain in the anus of urs" Says Ditto: Fatbear said back "IIL take of ur painis then shove it up Ur Anus, u redy4fredy m8?" : Ditto said back "Redy4fredy f*^%boy u mean, Becuz ur gona git f*&^*% up by MY POWA OF TE DORK SID4 ( ง° ᴥ° )ง Bring it faty" Ditto said
Obama-san 8. apr. 2015 kl. 17.06 
Its called a horror game for a reason.