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Évaluations récentes de chirohuizen

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10 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
2,548.4 h en tout (1,213.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Nuclear Dawn is a jewell in the gaming world which seemingly few people have found. It is relatively easy to play but excessively hard to win when teams are matched. You will most likely get a headache from the machinegune fire but a concussion is a part of modern warefare.
It is true that the Redstone - Nuremberg server is mostly full of keen players on a friday or saturday night but weekdays are ideal times to hone your sniperor commanding skills buy playing agains the bots.
Sure, it's not a high class modern game but it will keep you fighting on for quite some time. Like my nefound friend, Roid Panda says this is a "Small community, most people know each other and are very welcoming to new people." I have found this to be quite true. Most people will help eachother out in the team chat to create more buzz in the community.
Sign in and earn your gaming stripes.
If I happen am your commander; Fight Hard, fight long and never never give up!
See you on the Bloodied battlefield of Nuclear Dawn.

Évaluation publiée le 14 juin 2018.
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