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Публикувани: 23 септ. 2015 в 17:28

Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
now that I have played the game and have become more acquainted with it I can create a list of things I like a lot and things i would like to see changed (people reading this review please see that this is all in my personal preference and is not to be taken as a review from a professional)

- Really cool stuff

* The game has a grate retro feel and even though it is incomplete the stable version feels solid
* The game is quite challenging and even though certain things might feel unbalanced at the beginning as you become an experienced player they you begin to understand way they are that way
* The pixel art is great to look at
* The programmer is truly interested in you opinion and is relivily quick to respond to your feedback (Way to go programmer! I respect you!)

- Not so cool stuff
* Probably my biggest complaint with the game is that when your units are fighting monsters it is very hard to see which is your health bar and which is the opponents (perhaps you could have a hot key or something to toggle on and off opponent hp bars or an option for a symbol when one of your units health gets below 25%)
* The only other complaint I have is wood becomes almost quite useless in later game and that a larger need for would in late game should be implemented

- Cool stuff I would like to see
* A way to clearly see when it is your unit that is getting low helth (preferably at a quick glance)
* More types of building ;)
* God powers that boost fighting abilities of your units
* More types of opponents (sum with specialties like necromancer that summons skeletons or something)
* Quests or goals to accomplish
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