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1,081.4 hrs on record (49.0 hrs at review time)
Great game so far def could use some work. gonna do my utmost to not mention the lack of blood because CA clearly doesn't care at all.

1. Diplomacy improved immensely with allies actually being useful and not just sitting there for 50 turns doing nothing like they used to.
2. Different faction gimmicks are quite fun in my opinion (although some people seem to disagree) and actually serve incredibly good purposes on the campaign map and sometimes in battles.
3. Units look as great as always even the blatant re skins (I will get to that) maps are detailed and game in general looks really good although sometimes cartoony at points but I assume that's for the corruptions sake.
4. Campaign is a bit more engaging than the vortex (at least I think so anyway) and gives you a reason to actually participate and not just conquer the world; i.e., there isn't an instant teleport intercept button to stop other factions now you have to get to them yourself.
5. Nurgles units all seem very happy (:
6. Settlement battles are now more interesting and varied with the addition of defense building such as towers and blockades and are more open to using different styles than just "RuSh ThE wAlL bOyS!"
Cons (oh boy):
1. Glitches and bugs, normally when I play games I don't see the glitches and bug everyone complains about that ruin their experiences but by Ursuns hairy ass they are noticeable here, sometimes units don't attack sometimes when they do attack they just stand there and get shredded to bits, remember when I said the settlement battles were great, well... only when they work and your units remember how to move forward and not run around in a circle (the AI has an even worse time with these).
2. Survival battles are boring as ♥♥♥♥, (except for the final battle but not for any good reasons) Towers make the entire process way to easy because they are stronger a black ork on meth, the units the chaos gods have defending their realms are absolute trash which is ridiculous considering your attacking the home of a CHAOS GOD, I brought some of the most low tier units to the realm of Khorne you know the BLOOD GOD HIMSELF and still won his survival battle with all my units intact and healthy, while I am sure they will fix this with patches and nerfs and such it still seemed pretty ridiculous since I was on hard difficulty.
3. The final battle is terrible and so is the reward you get for it (at least as chaos have not seen what Kislev or Ogres get) unlike the survival battles before this one is a bit difficult if not just because its annoying, but a refreshing change nonetheless, (SPOILERS AHEAD) As chaos you fight through the forge of souls in order to steal Ursun the god bears power for yourself before the Daemon prince Be'lakor can take it himself, when you defeat him you get the power of a god, except apparently you don't and all you actually get Be'lakor as a lord for one of your armies, is Be'lakor any good you might ask, well hes pretty good in a one on one fight but he doesn't have any skills that buff his army (what the ♥♥♥♥?) well maybe your lord himself gets a buff now that hes a god? nope still the same ole daemon from before, pretty great reward for becoming a god huh?
IN CONCLUSION: Honestly despite all the negatives I just mentioned that I know are a bit of a turn off I still cant really bring myself to not recommend the game as it is still a mostly solid and fun experience. There were some other things I wanted to mention about the different factions but this review is already a wall of text as is. (and probably not a very good one as I don't make these often but I think I did ok) This game adds a lot of great things that the second game didn't have that still make it a standout experience in the strategy genre in general which in itself I think makes it deserving of a recommendation. Gonna go take a tinkle now bye bye (:

Posted 21 February, 2022.
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90.9 hrs on record (64.8 hrs at review time)
Posted 5 September, 2021.
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303.5 hrs on record (66.7 hrs at review time)
For every bug the quests, story and characters made up for it. def needs some polish but honestly a pretty damn fine game all in all.
Posted 17 December, 2020. Last edited 17 December, 2020.
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1,039.0 hrs on record (632.6 hrs at review time)
pretty good
Posted 3 July, 2020. Last edited 8 April, 2023.
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378.5 hrs on record (69.9 hrs at review time)
What to say about this game. Well to start Kenshi is one of the most bizarre experiences I have had in a video game as normally when I play a game I only play for about an hour till I wanna try something else. But with Kenshi I seem to find myself sucked in for hours at a time trying to build the perfect society. Never have I run into a game so interesting that even when you think you know everything about the game all of a sudden it introduces you to cannibals and you lose your entire squad and have to slowly watch them get eaten alive one by one. This game is one of those few gems in the survival genre that really shines above all the others. It has a HUGE open world, RPG elements, at some point the game even turns into a city builder strategy game. But truly the best part of this game is the FREEDOM. A very important word when it comes to video games for me. when you first start the game (although there are multiple starts) you start off in the hub with about 500 cats (currency) and a rag over your particulars. From there on then the games first message to you is to "make your own way in life" and "no one cares who you are" and then gives you basic tutorials but not in a terrible hand holding way. AND THE MODS. the modding community for this game is incredible. With the option to download torture item mods, or to have the ability to become a faction you couldn't become in the vanilla to even a basic dark UI mod. this game is something else entirely and I would wholeheartedly recommend this game to anyone with the patience (or if your just a sick masochist) to overcome the world of Kenshi and really become what they want to be.
Posted 10 February, 2020.
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8.1 hrs on record (6.1 hrs at review time)
trying to play with the ai as your partner is like taking care of a disabled child that tries to help you but really just gets in the way. but otherwise a great game!
Posted 28 June, 2018.
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33.5 hrs on record (9.1 hrs at review time)
not since resident evil 4 have i played an RE game this good. story goes really well with the atmospere and the charachters and not playing as a "anti terrorist beefy boi" and instead as a "squishy sad boi" is really refreshing as well. overall i give this game a 10/10.
Posted 26 June, 2018.
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1.8 hrs on record
Subscribe to Dolan Dark for more "Quality" content.
Posted 29 June, 2017.
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540.1 hrs on record (163.9 hrs at review time)
just dont play casual and you will be fine
Posted 28 May, 2017.
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7 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Blood?! really?!
Posted 28 April, 2017.
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