
Zerox_Flame 最近的評論

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總時數 13.5 小時 (評論時已進行 12.1 小時)
Succubus is a first-person, NSFW Action/RPG game where you got screwed over and you'll spend the game trying to achieve revenge. The details of the game are as follows. (Note: There will be no spoilers until the story section except one of the weapons that you get in the Gameplay section.)

The Action/RPG gameplay is pretty fun in my opinion. For comparison, the gameplay is like a melee-focused DOOM, complete with weapon/magic switching in fights and waves of enemies trying to get you. All of the weapons feel different when wielding them with different attack speeds, damage, and even special properties like staggers, so you can experiment with different weapons to see which one would fit the situation best. Unfortunately, however, there is one exception. The staff. Later on, you will get yourself a staff. It's way too effective considering it can stun like a hammer could, also knocks down basic enemies, also has a pretty high attack speed. I'd recommend avoiding it if you wish to keep the weapon switching aspect of the game, it's genuinely too good.

Visually, this game is pretty alright. It's not that remarkable in the levels itself, I'd say it's pretty basic. However, the background in the levels are quite good. The characters are designed more realistically, for lack of a better word. Can't put huge Bazongas on your character (which is pretty unfortunate), but it's not a bad art style. The clipping of the models could use some work, though. Sometimes, when they are doing 'activities' the models clip through each other a bit (especially with sliders maxed on your own character). Either way, however, none of it really takes you away from the game,

The audio for this game is fine, except regarding the voice acting. The main character keeps trying to do a rasp, the dialogue script is a bit too edgy sometimes, I think it's trying too hard. Regarding the rasp, look at Raiden trying to do his Jack the Ripper voice in MGR:R, it sounds forced, especially in certain NSFW scenes.

The story is pretty interesting in my opinion. While it doesn't grip you that much, I was still interested in seeing how it will all fall out. Basically, the main ruler of hell left to invade the human world. It created a big power vacuum which every demon tried to fill. Your character got her wings ripped off after an ambush by Bathomet, and you move in to get revenge. Along the way, you'll also find out more things regarding your Main Character's past and some tidbits regarding notable denizens of hell. While this is still a basic revenge plot, the additional World Building elevates it into an intersting story.

NSFW Content:
It's pretty alright, it's good if you like guro. Hope they might add more of it in DLC/update.

Overall rating: 7/10, I'd say it's above average. It's interesting enough to keep me slightly invested and it has pretty fun combat and for basically 10 bucks. It's worth it's price
張貼於 2021 年 11 月 19 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
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