:Six_Alone: Welcome to my profile :Six_Alone:
games i play :csgoct:
i like to play lot of games like csgo and g mod with my friends i don't like to play alone.

what i like :BulletGirlsPhantasiaEmoticon1:
listening to music, joking with my friends, and making deserts are my favourite things to do :md_heart: I like to watch anime also
what i hate :skybornangry:
i hate toxic people who try to do problems between me and my friends and i hate to lose my friends because of that , If I meet you in games I would love to expand my network and have you as new friends. So if you come across my profile .Don't be reluctant and hit the add bottom.
WARNING: If you have low steam level or have a private account or adding me for trade, my profile will not welcome you:cozywolfensteinII:
Counter-Strike 2
4 1
11月23日 に最後にプレイ
11月17日 に最後にプレイ
10月25日 に最後にプレイ
LugiaDaryl27 8月23日 16時36分 
DarkWingedDemon 2月25日 14時15分 
The Host you're doing coop with, Termina, is a hacker.
🅲🅾🅻🅰🅱🅸🅴🆁 2023年8月11日 12時20分 
HOUSEZOE420 2023年4月17日 23時29分 
ghost.鬼 2023年3月26日 15時06分 
Ya it is but why this message 周秋梨?
@n!t@ 2022年12月24日 12時07分 
Merry Christmas man :)