Cmdr StarLion   Puerto Rico
Commander Star Lion, one of the 4 founders of the PRZ DAYZ clan, unable to find the cure for the infection, the legenday mercenary set a journey in his Viper to the federation systems outside of SOL to try his luck and swore to come back to Chernarus to aid his partners Reivax, Yankee and Bless when he find the cure.
MadDog_AJ 2016年6月22日 15時27分 
Jaja yo si, manana empieza
Infanterist 2016年6月21日 7時32分 
Thx, ready para el steam summer sale?
MadDog_AJ 2016年6月11日 15時09分 
Ya te añadi loca
Infanterist 2016年6月10日 13時46分 
alfredo es Rafa