sway in dark city
Heard & McDonald Islands
I'm rarely online, so if you need to reach me for whatever reason you can send me PM

" you'll find me, between the devil and the deep blue sea. "

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Taideteosten esittely
Sophie Turner
Gen. Agresiv 4.8. klo 12.06 
anamal is anamal
Ruzzia is the aggressor 13.7. klo 21.19 
absolute trash, go to bed and stay there
女性凶悪犯 27.4. klo 9.21 
100% trash player
SWAPDOG 20.3. klo 1.04 
уйобіще тупоголово іде мід на пангольєрі за 25 мінут купляє діфуза
d3 29.12.2023 klo 7.09 
худшая свинья из всех свиней, пытается писать на английском
GatenGaming 10.9.2019 klo 20.57 
rep great dota player, other people who says otherwise is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ idiot