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Arson Kai'zer 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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기록상 155.0시간 (평가 당시 110.7시간)
This game is rough. Very rough in fact. Progression is not what it should be and the RNG system with weapons makes it far too grindy. There are times where you have to simply buy weapons in bulk in hopes you get one that has a chance of being upgraded into a proper tool you can actually use in high level missions. What makes this worse is the character leveling system. A fine idea in principle, but forcing players to grind to level thirty before they get an inkling of a good weapon compounds all the issues mentioned prior.

That being said, why do I recommend it then? There are a few reasons, while the grind is long, the gameplay is still fun. The newly added skill trees inject a much needed point to the grind outside of better weapons and the variety of those weapons is a deep pool. Very class has a good set of exclusives to them that gives their gameplay a unique flavour that is then spiced by the various skills they can use to augment their experience. Zealots can be walking glass cannons or mass support characters that stun entire hordes of enemies with faith.

Solo gameplay can be a bit tiresome given the amount of coordination with teammates required for high level missions gets insane. It's not unheard of for Level 4 missions throwing 3 different mini bosses at a group already drowning in a horde.

However, in terms of communication the game excels with the Sound design. Not just the music, but the sounds the hordes make. Sound ques easily communicate each enemy type and are varied enough that players can tell the different subtypes of the elite enemies. A dreg gunner and a scab gunner can be picked out from a crowd by sound alone before they even fire a shot.

The premium shop is madness though. There are various outfits that are simply locked out of access because the publishers don't want them to be accessed yet. It's a total stain on this game that is rather endemic of the industry right now.

All in all, Vermintide is buried somewhere in this game, and the developers are slowly chipping away at the publisher made pile of nonsense around it to reveal that classic game.
2023년 11월 23일에 게시되었습니다. 2023년 12월 13일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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