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18.0 godz. łącznie
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Opublikowana: 27 listopada 2024.
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192.7 godz. łącznie
The game overall is like average. I am writing from my experience before I stop playing before the co-op beta was released and the forge beta as well. But the main complaint is how the multiplayer and ranked matches were dog sh@t. If you ever try ranked matches you would understand the frustration of trying to play a proper game in ranked. It will often at times put you against players who are higher level than you when you reach like diamond 6 or onyx, since there was only 1 onyx rank with different levels from 1600~2400, you will find yourself going against players at higher levels. To earn or lose experience to for your ranked levels requires you to play primarily exceed in K/D in order to get level up. Problem with that is when you're put into a objective based game mode such as CTF or team oddball. It requires part of the team to focus on the objective in order to win and gain experience. Because of that only the guys that focus on getting kills will get the most experience while the guys doing the objective barely gets anything because its k/d based. I believe they fixed some of this but I hear some of this still exists. For just regular causal games in unranked searches is also horrendous, due to fact since it's causal the amount of players you find in a queue are usually dog sh@t, like literally 60% of the players are like headless chicken that solely focus on kills and not the objective, even then they sucked at it getting kills as well. 30% are average players who you would expect to be ok but not brain dead like the 60% I mentioned. While 10% are actually people who are competent are people that ranged from above average to great, So it's higher than the 30% in terms of average skill but still not high enough for a 10% bracket. Now keep in mind. I'm aware this is causal and if I want more sweaty try-hards I would go to ranked. But that's the problem with how ranked is at it's current state I rather not torture myself with it, I haven't even touched it since since April after all my friends that stop playing it. So what ever enjoyment I have for the game is gong in unranked public games, but then that's where the other issues occurred where most of the games I encounter are filled with players that are braindead. Making my regular playing sessions consist of headache and frustration. Now the sad part is is that there is only a few of the issues I have encountered. There are others I haven't mention at all. 1. Lack of content 2. micro-transactions 3. Extreme chat censorship, etc. Actually this is somewhat represented by previous Halo games made by 343. The only good thing about Halo Infinite that I can think of is co-op and forge mode. With Co-op you can unless have fun with your friends, but honestly anything is good if you are playing with your friends. The main GOOD thing of what is to come is the forge mode, starting with Halo 5 and continue with Halo Infinite it seems to be stacking up to give the players tons of customization in forge mode. Giving tons of different possibilities of having fun. This is the only improvement THAT I HAVE SEEN WITH 343 that actually improves something over what bungie did. But yea, Halo Infinite Campaign no co-op is 7/10. Halo Infinite Campaign with co-op is 7.5~8/10. Halo Infinite Multiplayer no forge is 5/10. Halo Infinite Multiplayer with forge is 6/10.
Opublikowana: 13 sierpnia 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 13 sierpnia 2022.
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